F. Mabood1, T. A. Yusuf2, A. M. Rashad3, W. A. Khan4,*, Hossam A. Nabwey5,6
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.66, No.1, pp. 575-587, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.012505
- 30 October 2020
Abstract The current investigation aims to explore the combined effects of heat
and mass transfer on free convection of Sodium alginate-Fe3O4 based Brinkmann
type nanofluid flow over a vertical rotating frame. The Tiwari and Das nanofluid
model is employed to examine the effects of dimensionless numbers, including
Grashof, Eckert, and Schmidt numbers and governing parameters like solid
volume fraction of nanoparticles, Hall current, magnetic field, viscous dissipation,
and the chemical reaction on the physical quantities. The dimensionless nonlinear
partial differential equations are solved using a finite difference method known as
Runge-Kutta Fehlberg (RKF-45) method. The variation More >