Xi Liu, Xinjun Dong, Yang Wang*, Jacob Dodson, Bryan Joyce
Sound & Vibration, Vol.52, No.3, pp. 6-11, 2018, DOI:10.32604/sv.2018.03857
Abstract This article reports the latest development of a wireless sensing system, named Martlet, on high-g shock acceleration measurement. The Martlet sensing node design is based on a Texas Instruments Piccolo microcontroller, with clock frequency programmable up to 90 MHz. The high clock frequency of the microcontroller enables Martlet to support high-frequency data acquisition and high-speed onboard computation. In addition, the extensible design of the Martlet
node conveniently allows incorporation of multiple sensor boards. In this study, a high-g accelerometer interface board is developed to allow Martlet to work with the selected microelectromechanical system (MEMS) high-g accelerometers. Besides low-pass More >