Zhun Li1,2,3,*, Zhengrong Ouyang1,2, Tianbao Sun3, Qiang Li3, Xiaobo Zhao3, Rong Yu3
Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.4, pp. 1393-1402, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.020488
Abstract The building energy consumption is an important part among the total society energy consumption, in which the energy consumption for air conditioning occupies almost 70%. The energy consumption of the air conditioning system for fresh air handling can be saved effectively when the exhaust air energy could be recovered to preheat or precool the fresh air. Considering the install locations requirements on field, the pump-driven heat pipes (PHP) were developed as heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) and used in an existing experiment building in Beijing Urban. The thermal performance of the PHP HRVs was tested in… More >