Open Access
Vibration Control of Vertical Turbine Pump by Optimization of Vane Pitch Tolerances of an Impeller Using Statistical Techniques
1 Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Corporate R&D, Pune, 411045, India
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, MES College of Engineering, Pune, 411001, India
* Corresponding Author: Ravindra Birajdar. Email:
Sound & Vibration 2021, 55(4), 305-327.
Received 18 April 2021; Accepted 23 July 2021; Issue published 18 October 2021
The objective of the study is to find the tolerance on vane pitch dimensions of a Vertical Turbine (VT) pump impeller. For this purpose, the study is divided into two parts viz. to find the critical hydraulic eccentricity of a VT pump impeller by way of numerical simulations and design of experiments to find the vane pitch tolerance using critical hydraulic eccentricity. The effect of impeller vane pitch deviations on hydraulic unbalance is examined for a vertical turbine pump using Design of Experiments (DOE). A suitable orthogonal matrix has been selected with vane pitch at different axial locations of an impeller as the control factors. Hydraulic eccentricity, which is the output of the DOE experiments is analyzed using S/N ratio, ANOM and regression analysis to find the significant control factor effecting the hydraulic unbalance and hence vibrations. The vane pitch deviation at outlet and inlet of impeller shroud geometry are found to be the most critical factor affecting the pump vibrations.Keywords
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