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Airborne Acoustic Transmission and Terrain Topography at SAINTGITS Amphitheatre: An Analysis of Outdoor Auditory Perception and Comparison of Contour Plots

by Jacob Thottathil Varghese1,2,*, Sajan Thomas1,2,3, Joselin Herbert4, Chacko Preno Koshy1,2, Arjun Venugopal1,2

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kottayam, 686532, India
2 APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, 695016, India
3 Part-Time Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE, Nagercoil, 629180, India
4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, NICHE, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, 629180, India

* Corresponding Author: Jacob Thottathil Varghese. Email: email

Sound & Vibration 2022, 56(3), 255-274.


The arrangement of natural and physical features on the earth’s surface are a few among the countless items that govern the airborne acoustic transmission at boundary layers. In particular, if the acoustic waves are attributes of live concerts at open-air theatres, without losing the sheen and quality, the audience should certainly receive the unbroken depth of the performance. Hence, at all times, it is advisable to analyse the auditory receptiveness, particularly in all intended recreational spaces. The current pandemic circumstances and the mandated COVID-19 prevention protocols encourage gatherings in naturally ventilated outdoor regions than confined indoors. This work predicts and quantifies the acoustic experience at the naturally carved amphitheatre at SAINTGITS, an autonomous institution at the down South-West of the Indian Subcontinent. The entire recreational space at SAINTGITS AMPHI was separately modelled as a Base case and Advanced case, and were analysed using the acoustic modelling module of EASE Focus, a renowned simulation freeware, which is in strict adherence with the International standards. The variation in loudness received at the nearest and farthest ends of the amphitheatre was between 67 to 80 dB. Though the Zero frequency SPL (Z-weighting) exhibited the loudness in the range of 81 to 85 dB and could maintain a safer auditory level for any human ear, it was confined to a hemispherical region near the sound source. A vertical beam angle of −4.0° was found to be effective throughout. The procedures and analyses will certainly help the future organizers and stakeholders to effectively plan the resources to reap rich acoustic experience at terrain-centric locales. The surface topography and contours were plotted with another set of freeware, the CADMAPPER and the QUIKGRID, to compare terrain gradient with the known data. Furthermore, this interdisciplinary research exhibits the extensive simulation capability of both EASE Focus and QUIKGRID and demonstrates the modelling versatility and deliverable potential of these freeware to benefit the budding architects and researchers.


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APA Style
Varghese, J.T., Thomas, S., Herbert, J., Koshy, C.P., Venugopal, A. (2022). Airborne acoustic transmission and terrain topography at SAINTGITS amphitheatre: an analysis of outdoor auditory perception and comparison of contour plots. Sound & Vibration, 56(3), 255–274.
Vancouver Style
Varghese JT, Thomas S, Herbert J, Koshy CP, Venugopal A. Airborne acoustic transmission and terrain topography at SAINTGITS amphitheatre: an analysis of outdoor auditory perception and comparison of contour plots. Sound Vib. 2022;56(3):255–274.
IEEE Style
J. T. Varghese, S. Thomas, J. Herbert, C. P. Koshy, and A. Venugopal, “Airborne Acoustic Transmission and Terrain Topography at SAINTGITS Amphitheatre: An Analysis of Outdoor Auditory Perception and Comparison of Contour Plots,” Sound Vib., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 255–274, 2022.

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