Open Access
Time Parameter Based Low-Energy Data Encryption Method for Mobile Applications
1 Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Chinese Military Academy, Kaohsiung, 830, Taiwan
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung, 407, Taiwan
3 Department of Computer Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, 407, Taiwan
* Corresponding Author: Kun-Lin Tsai. Email:
(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Security for Future Mobile Internet: A Key Challenge for the Digital Transformation)
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2024, 140(3), 2779-2794.
Received 23 March 2024; Accepted 29 May 2024; Issue published 08 July 2024
Various mobile devices and applications are now used in daily life. These devices require high-speed data processing, low energy consumption, low communication latency, and secure data transmission, especially in 5G and 6G mobile networks. High-security cryptography guarantees that essential data can be transmitted securely; however, it increases energy consumption and reduces data processing speed. Therefore, this study proposes a low-energy data encryption (LEDE) algorithm based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for improving data transmission security and reducing the energy consumption of encryption in Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. In the proposed LEDE algorithm, the system time parameter is employed to create a dynamic S-Box to replace the static S-Box of AES. Tests indicated that six-round LEDE encryption achieves the same security level as 10-round conventional AES encryption. This reduction in encryption time results in the LEDE algorithm having a 67.4% lower energy consumption and 43.9% shorter encryption time than conventional AES; thus, the proposed LEDE algorithm can improve the performance and the energy consumption of IoT edge devices.Keywords
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