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Efficient Concurrent L1-Minimization Solvers on GPUs

by Xinyue Chu1, Jiaquan Gao1,*, Bo Sheng2

1 Jiangsu Key Laboratory for NSLSCS, School of Computer and Electronic Information, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
2 Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Boston, MA 02125, USA

* Corresponding Author: Jiaquan Gao. Email: email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2021, 38(3), 305-320.


Given that the concurrent L1-minimization (L1-min) problem is often required in some real applications, we investigate how to solve it in parallel on GPUs in this paper. First, we propose a novel self-adaptive warp implementation of the matrix-vector multiplication (Ax) and a novel self-adaptive thread implementation of the matrix-vector multiplication (ATx), respectively, on the GPU. The vector-operation and inner-product decision trees are adopted to choose the optimal vector-operation and inner-product kernels for vectors of any size. Second, based on the above proposed kernels, the iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm is utilized to present two concurrent L1-min solvers from the perspective of the streams and the thread blocks on a GPU, and optimize their performance by using the new features of GPU such as the shuffle instruction and the read-only data cache. Finally, we design a concurrent L1-min solver on multiple GPUs. The experimental results have validated the high effectiveness and good performance of our proposed methods.


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APA Style
Chu, X., Gao, J., Sheng, B. (2021). Efficient concurrent l1-minimization solvers on gpus. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 38(3), 305–320.
Vancouver Style
Chu X, Gao J, Sheng B. Efficient concurrent l1-minimization solvers on gpus. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2021;38(3):305–320.
IEEE Style
X. Chu, J. Gao, and B. Sheng, “Efficient Concurrent L1-Minimization Solvers on GPUs,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 305–320, 2021.

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