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Optimal Weighted Extreme Learning Machine for Cybersecurity Fake News Classification

by Ashit Kumar Dutta1,*, Basit Qureshi2, Yasser Albagory3, Majed Alsanea4, Manal Al Faraj1, Abdul Rahaman Wahab Sait5

1 Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, College of Applied Sciences, AlMaarefa University, Ad Diriyah, Riyadh, 13713, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2 Department of Computer Science, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, 11586, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
3 Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Taif, 21944, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Computing, Arabeast Colleges, Riyadh, 11583, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
5 Department of Archives and Communication, King Faisal University, Al Ahsa, Hofuf, 31982, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

* Corresponding Author: Ashit Kumar Dutta. Email: email

Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2023, 44(3), 2395-2409.


Fake news and its significance carried the significance of affecting diverse aspects of diverse entities, ranging from a city lifestyle to a country global relativity, various methods are available to collect and determine fake news. The recently developed machine learning (ML) models can be employed for the detection and classification of fake news. This study designs a novel Chaotic Ant Swarm with Weighted Extreme Learning Machine (CAS-WELM) for Cybersecurity Fake News Detection and Classification. The goal of the CAS-WELM technique is to discriminate news into fake and real. The CAS-WELM technique initially pre-processes the input data and Glove technique is used for word embedding process. Then, N-gram based feature extraction technique is derived to generate feature vectors. Lastly, WELM model is applied for the detection and classification of fake news, in which the weight value of the WELM model can be optimally adjusted by the use of CAS algorithm. The performance validation of the CAS-WELM technique is carried out using the benchmark dataset and the results are inspected under several dimensions. The experimental results reported the enhanced outcomes of the CAS-WELM technique over the recent approaches.


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APA Style
Dutta, A.K., Qureshi, B., Albagory, Y., Alsanea, M., Faraj, M.A. et al. (2023). Optimal weighted extreme learning machine for cybersecurity fake news classification. Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 44(3), 2395–2409.
Vancouver Style
Dutta AK, Qureshi B, Albagory Y, Alsanea M, Faraj MA, Sait ARW. Optimal weighted extreme learning machine for cybersecurity fake news classification. Comput Syst Sci Eng. 2023;44(3):2395–2409.
IEEE Style
A. K. Dutta, B. Qureshi, Y. Albagory, M. Alsanea, M. A. Faraj, and A. R. W. Sait, “Optimal Weighted Extreme Learning Machine for Cybersecurity Fake News Classification,” Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng., vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 2395–2409, 2023.

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