Open Access
Enhanced Gorilla Troops Optimizer with Deep Learning Enabled Cybersecurity Threat Detection
1 Department of Information Systems, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia
2 Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
3 Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering at Alqunfudah, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
4 Department of Information Technology, College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif, 21944, Saudi Arabia
5 Department of Information Systems, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
6 Department of Computer Science, College of Computers and Information Technology, University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia
7 Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information Technology, Future University in Egypt, New Cairo, 11835, Egypt
8 Department of Computer and Self Development, Preparatory Year Deanship, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia
* Corresponding Author: Manar Ahmed Hamza. Email:
Computer Systems Science and Engineering 2023, 45(3), 3037-3052.
Received 02 July 2022; Accepted 18 August 2022; Issue published 21 December 2022
Recent developments in computer networks and Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled easy access to data. But the government and business sectors face several difficulties in resolving cybersecurity network issues, like novel attacks, hackers, internet criminals, and so on. Presently, malware attacks and software piracy pose serious risks in compromising the security of IoT. They can steal confidential data which results in financial and reputational losses. The advent of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models has been employed to accomplish security in the IoT cloud environment. This article presents an Enhanced Artificial Gorilla Troops Optimizer with Deep Learning Enabled Cybersecurity Threat Detection (EAGTODL-CTD) in IoT Cloud Networks. The presented EAGTODL-CTD model encompasses the identification of the threats in the IoT cloud environment. The proposed EAGTODL-CTD model mainly focuses on the conversion of input binary files to color images, where the malware can be detected using an image classification problem. The EAGTODL-CTD model pre-processes the input data to transform to a compatible format. For threat detection and classification, cascaded gated recurrent unit (CGRU) model is exploited to determine class labels. Finally, EAGTO approach is employed as a hyperparameter optimizer to tune the CGRU parameters, showing the novelty of our work. The performance evaluation of the EAGTODL-CTD model is assessed on a dataset comprising two class labels namely malignant and benign. The experimental values reported the supremacy of the EAGTODL-CTD model with increased accuracy of 99.47%.Keywords
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a type of network which enables objects connected by utilizing communication protocols. Connected objects are in all forms (i.e., smart fridges, watches, and scooters) and consist of sensor as well as actuator functions. The presence of IoT gadgets was increasing in modern lives and discovered applications in a broad range of environments [1]. As per Cisco report, by 2030, the quantity of connected gadgets is expected to go beyond 500 billion [2]. The IoT development has resolved several problems and developed numerous sectors [3]. The IoT enabled technologies is utilized for developing e-banking, smart cities, e-shopping, education system, managing industry, protecting human beings, and entertaining [4,5]. The IoT gadgets are employed for an open attack because of their availability on the network. Software piracy refers to the advancement of software by re-using source codes unlawfully from somebody’s work and cover as the new version [6].
The machine learning (ML) ideology appeared in the mid of the 20th century, yet, it was not till the 1990s that the application took off [7]. This revolt has automated and simplified several tasks in a field plethora like industry, marketing, or medicine. Certainly, the latter provides various advantages such as the capability to process huge volumes of complicated data and manage repetitive and tedious tasks in record time [8]. The conventional methods employed in cybersecurity at the time of threat detection were majorly dependent upon manual statistical rules and data analytics that needs substantial duration [9]. So, the usage of ML methods turns out to be a crucial component in this field because of several benefits. This new supporter makes threat detection very rapid, immediate, and reactive, whereas restricting incorrect positives and uninterrupted. ML thus discovered numerous applications in cybersecurity field such as malware analysis and spam detection [10,11].
The rise in the usage of ML in the future would result in an important change in the threat landscape in 2 noteworthy manners [12]. One is the expansion of prevailing attacks. Certainly, by compiling ML techniques in present cyberattacks, these would be less recognizable, more resistant, and more reactive to the prevailing detection techniques [13]. This new generation of assaults would target the victim’s vulnerability and adapt to changes in its atmosphere [14]. Another one indicates the creativity of innovative threats, till then, are not reachable because of the huge demand for data or its extreme manual processing period time. Also, the use of ML in the protection systems denotes a new vector that can be exploited for designing advanced assaults [15].
This article presents an Enhanced Artificial Gorilla Troops Optimizer with Deep Learning Enabled Cybersecurity Threat Detection (EAGTODL-CTD) in IoT Cloud Networks. The presented EAGTODL-CTD model encompasses the identification of the threats in the IoT cloud environment. The proposed EAGTODL-CTD model mainly focuses on the conversion of input binary files to color images, where the malware can be detected using an image classification problem. The EAGTODL-CTD model pre-processes the input data to transform to a compatible format. For threat detection and classification, cascaded gated recurrent unit (CGRU) model is exploited to determine class labels. Finally, EAGTO algorithm is employed as a hyperparameter optimizer to tune the CGRU parameters. The experimental validation of the EAGTODL-CTD model is tested using a dataset comprising two class labels namely malignant and benign.
In [16], the evaluation of the case of transforming information among the cloud and the end-user dew gadgets combined with the linked vehicles is performed. And analyses the application and organizational techniques in relation to Dew Computing, in which the processing is closer to the user than other IoT computing patterns. This work intends in presenting an IoT threat analysis and employs a DL technique for countering cyber anomalies, afterward authenticating it by scrutinizing its metrics. An improved version of SAE can be used which enhances the accurateness of identifying the defined assaults, utilizing the loss over the training data as a threshold. In [17], the authors developed a method to meet the IoT cybersecurity menaces in a smart city, an Anomaly Detection-IoT (AD-IoT) system can be suggested, that was an intellectual anomaly detection related to RF and ML methods. The suggested solution could effectually identify compromised IoT gadgets at distributed fog nodes. Roopak et al. [18] suggested an IDS discovered on blending a Jumping Gene adapted NSGA-II multi-objective optimization technique for data dimension reduction and CNN compiling LSTM and DL approaches to classify the attack.
In [19], a sequential method is a key point, and novel techniques were suggested by the model features. The method could make a collection of features from the network layer through TCP dump packets and application layer through system routines. Li et al. [20] recommend a new federated DL approach, termed DeepFed, for identifying cyberattacks contrary to industrial CPSs. To be Specific, firstly devise a novel DL-related ID method for industrial CPSs, by using a gated recurrent unit and CNN. Secondly, advance a federated learning structure, enabling multiple industrial CPSs to jointly construct a full ID method in a privacy preserving way. In [21], the authors offered the complete enhancement of a novel intellectual and autonomous DL related detection and classifier mechanism for cyberattack in IoT networks which uses the power of CNN, abbreviated as IoT-IDCS-CNN (IoT related ID and Classification System using CNN). The suggested IoT-IDCS-CNN employs higher performance computing which uses the effective Compute Unified Device Architectures (CUDA) related parallel processing and Nvidia GPUs (Graphical Processing Units) which leverage high-speed I9-core-based Intel CPUs. In [22], a smart IDS suitable for detecting IoT-related assaults was implemented. Particularly, to identify malicious IoT network traffic, a DL method was utilized. An IDS is one such popular form of network security technology that can be utilized for network security.
In this article, an EAGTODL-CTD approach has been developed for threat detection in the IoT cloud environment. The suggested EAGTODL-CTD model concentrated on the transformation of the conversion of input binary files to color images, where the malware can be detected using an image classification problem. Primarily, the EAGTODL-CTD model pre-processes the input data to transform it into a compatible format. To detect and classify threats, the CGRU model is exploited to determine class labels. Finally, EAGTO algorithm is applied as a hyperparameter optimizer to tune the CGRU parameters. Fig. 1 depicts the block diagram of EAGTODL-CTD approach.
Figure 1: Block diagram of EAGTODL-CTD approach
The color image is produced from raw binary file to convert the malware detection issue through an image classification issue. It distinguishes the presented study from the latest techniques, where malware binary files transform into grayscale images with 256 colors. This technique doesn’t reliant on reverse engineering tools like decompiling and disassembler. The color image retrieves more effective features than grayscale image with 256 colors. Furthermore, the effective feature of malware image outperforms in the classification of malware family. Previously, several malware detection techniques depending on ML algorithm provided good results through grayscale images. The color image is converted into grayscale visualization, and later feature extraction technique was utilized for classifying malware types. The classification accuracy can be enhanced by feature reduction method to reduce the feature set.
The outcome shows that ML algorithm is not a preferable option for the detection of malware since it produces exponential value with color images. The DL algorithm outperforms big malware data as this type of approach makes use of the filter to automatically reduce noise. Therefore, the usage of color images generates good outcomes through DL technique. The transformation of malware binary files to color images encompasses four stages. Firstly, the hexadecimal strings (0–15) are generated from raw binary files. Subsequently, the eight bit vector is transformed into a 2D matrix space. At last, every eight bit integer produced from 2D space is designed with blue, red, and green shaded colors.
3.2 CGRU Based Threat Detection and Classification
To detect and classify threats, the CGRU model is exploited to determine class labels. LSTM is a different kind of RNN that is capable of learning long-term dependency. The LSTM is planned for avoiding long term dependency problem that is prevalent from RNN [23]. It is obtained great praise in the domain of ML and speech detection. Some NN contains dependencies problems, however, the LSTM has overcome the problem of dependencies by adjusting the data flow utilizing input, resultant, and forget gates. An input gate controlled the flow of input activation to memory cell. The resultant gate controls the outcome flow of cell activations as the rest of networks. Assume that trained data takes N equipment of similar creatures and kind that offer failure data, and all the equipment offer set multi-variate time sequence dataset in the sensor of equipment. Besides, let us r sensor of similar kinds on all the equipment. Next, the data gathered in all the equipment are demonstrated from the matrix procedure
At time t, LSTM network proceeds
Figure 2: Structure of GRU
The GRU is an enhanced version of typical RNNs. Related to LSTM unit, the GRU takes gating units that control the data flows, but, without containing a distinct memory cell. The performance of GRU is based on specific tasks of polyphonic music and speech signal modeling was found to be same as LSTM. GRU has been found to display good performance on specific small datasets. The memory block of GRU is simple when compared to LSTM. Output, forget and input gates are replaced by the reset and update gates. As well, GRU integrates the internal memory cell and the hidden state. In GRU, the normalized dataset is evaluated by the subsequent formula:
From the equation,
3.3 Hyperparameter Tuning Using EAGTO Algorithm
In the final stage, the EAGTO algorithm is employed as a hyperparameter optimizer to tune the CGRU parameters. The AGTO approach contains the exploration and exploitation phases, in Eqs. (1)–(13) explain the basic concept of technique [24]. The exploration phase was mostly utilized for performing a global search of spaces. It utilizes 3 distinct processes contains migrate to unknown location, migrate to known location, and move to place of other gorillas. Eq. (11) inspires the exploitation phase.
In Eq. (11),
In Eq. (12),
The exploitation mechanism of AGTO technique utilized 2 procedures, after silverback gorillas and competing with adult female gorillas. The process was chosen by relating the C value computed by Eq. (12) with the
In Eq. (17),
In Eq. (21),
To enhance the efficacy of the AGTO algorithm, the EAGTO algorithm has been integrated into the Pinhole Imaging Opposition-Based Learning (PIOBL). For assisting the algorithm from getting trapped into local optima, few research workers have tried to integrate opposition-based learning (OBL) with intelligent optimization algorithms to extend the searching range by evaluating the reverse solution of the present likely solution, and as a result, discover the solution candidate at optimum position. As per the concept, and effectively applied the pinhole imaging opposition-based learning to improve the convergence speed and accuracy of the AGTO algorithm. An approach has been employed to improve the possibility of EAGTO from getting trapped into local optimal. Here, the upper and lower limits of the coordinate axes are, b. There is a smaller aperture screen located at the base point O.
While the algorithm is resolving a higher dimensional complex function, the smaller aperture inverse learning solution is calculated as follows:
In Eq. (26),
It is apparent that if
The proposed model is simulated using Python 3.6.5 tool. The proposed model is experimented on PC i5-8600k, GeForce 1050Ti 4 GB, 16 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD, and 1 TB HDD. This section inspects the threat classification performance of EAGTODL-CTD method using a Leopard mobile dataset. For experimental validation, we have taken a set of 14733 samples under malware class and 2486 samples under benign class as shown in Table 1.
Fig. 3 demonstrates the confusion matrices generated by the EAGTODL-CTD method under dissimilar epochs. The figure implied EAGTODL-CTD model has recognized samples effectually under both classes. For example, with 200 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD model has identified 14640 samples under malw are class and 2471 samples under benign class. In addition, with 400 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD method has recognized 14682 samples under malware class and 1630 samples under benign class. Moreover, with 600 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD model has recognized 14646 samples under malware class and 2321 samples under benign class. Followed, with 800 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD mechanism has identified 14645 samples under malware class and 2474 samples under benign class. Eventually, with 1000 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD method has recognized 14654 samples under malware class and 2475 samples under benign class.
Figure 3: Confusion matrices of EAGTODL-CTD approach (a) Epoch 200, (b) Epoch 400, (c) Epoch 600, (d) Epoch 800, and (e) Epoch 1000
Table 2 and Fig. 4 report a detailed threat detection performance of the EAGTODL-CTD model under dissimilar epochs. The experimental values reported that the EAGTODL-CTD model has resulted in better outcomes under every epoch. For instance, on 200 epochs, the EAGTODL-CTD model has obtained an average
Figure 4: Result analysis of EAGTODL-CTD approach (a) Epoch 200, (b) Epoch 400, (c) Epoch 600, (d) Epoch 800, and (e) Epoch 1000
The training accuracy (TA) and validation accuracy (VA) accomplished using the EAGTODL-CTD method on testing data are depicted in Fig. 5. The experimental result indicates that the EAGTODL-CTD approach has accomplished maximal values of TA and VA. Particularly, the VA seemed to be high than TA.
Figure 5: TA and VA analysis of EAGTODL-CTD approach
The training loss (TL) and validation loss (VL) accomplished using the EAGTODL-CTD technique on testing data are illustrated in Fig. 6. The experimental result shows that the EAGTODL-CTD method has obtained minimum values of TL and VL. Especially, the VL is lower than TL.
Figure 6: TL and VL analysis of EAGTODL-CTD approach
A clear precision-recall analysis of the EAGTODL-CTD methodology on testing data is described in Fig. 7. The figure showed that the EAGTODL-CTD system has resulted in enhanced values of precision-recall values under all classes.
Figure 7: Precision-recall curve analysis of EAGTODL-CTD approach
A brief ROC examination of the EAGTODL-CTD technique on testing data is portrayed in Fig. 8. The results indicated the EAGTODL-CTD methodology has shown its ability in classifying dissimilar classes on the testing dataset.
Figure 8: ROC curve analysis of EAGTODL-CTD approach
To illustrate the effective performance of the EAGTODL-CTD model, a wide-ranging comparative assessment is made in Table 3 [1]. Fig. 9 exhibits the comparative classification accuracy of the EAGTODL-CTD technique with recent models. The figure implied that the LBP-SVM method has reached ineffectual performance with lower
Figure 9:
Fig. 10 shows the comparative
Figure 10:
From the abovementioned results, it is clear that the EAGTODL-CTD model has resulted in enhanced results over other models.
In this article, an EAGTODL-CTD methodology has been developed for threat detection in the IoT cloud environment. The projected EAGTODL-CTD model concentrated on the transformation of the conversion of input binary files to color images, where the malware can be detected using an image classification problem. Primarily, the EAGTODL-CTD model pre-processes the input data to transform it into a compatible format. To detect and classify threats, the CGRU model is exploited to determine class labels. Finally, EAGTO technique is applied as a hyperparameter optimizer to tune the CGRU parameters. The performance evaluation of the EAGTODL-CTD model is assessed on a dataset comprising two class labels namely malignant and benign. The experimental values reported the supremacy of the EAGTODL-CTD model with increased accuracy of 99.47%. In the future, hybrid DL models can be exploited to improvise the detection efficiency of the presented EAGTODL-CTD model.
Funding Statement: Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project Number (PNURSP2022R319), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this work by Grant Code: 22UQU4340237DSR41.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.
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