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Effect of Thermal Conductivity of Tube-Wall on Blow-Off Limit of a Micro-Jet Methane Diffusion Flame

by Bing Liu1, Yikun Chen1, Huachen Liu1, Qiao Wu1, Minghui Wang1, Jianlong Wan2,*

1 China Tobacco Hubei Industrial LLC, Wuhan, 430040, China
2 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, China

* Corresponding Author: Jianlong Wan. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Energy)

Energy Engineering 2022, 119(2), 815-826.


The operating range of the flow rate or flow velocity for the micro-jet flame is quite wide, which can be used as the heat source. In order to optimize the micro-jet tube combustor in terms of the solid material, the present paper numerically investigates the impact of thermal conductivity (λs) on the operating limit of micro-jet flame. Unexpectedly, the non-monotonic blow-off limits with the increase of λs is found, and the corresponding generation mechanisms are analyzed in terms of the thermal coupling effect, flow field, and strain effect. At first, the lower preheating temperature of the fuel and larger heat loss amount to the environment lead to a larger blow-off limit at a larger λs. After that, the smaller local flow velocity in the vicinity of flame root and smaller strain effect slightly increase the blow-off limit with the continuously increasing λs. Therefore, it is deduced that the applied performance of micro-jet combustor with a smaller thermal conductivity is better in terms of the blow-off limit.


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APA Style
Liu, B., Chen, Y., Liu, H., Wu, Q., Wang, M. et al. (2022). Effect of thermal conductivity of tube-wall on blow-off limit of a micro-jet methane diffusion flame. Energy Engineering, 119(2), 815–826.
Vancouver Style
Liu B, Chen Y, Liu H, Wu Q, Wang M, Wan J. Effect of thermal conductivity of tube-wall on blow-off limit of a micro-jet methane diffusion flame. Energ Eng. 2022;119(2):815–826.
IEEE Style
B. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Liu, Q. Wu, M. Wang, and J. Wan, “Effect of Thermal Conductivity of Tube-Wall on Blow-Off Limit of a Micro-Jet Methane Diffusion Flame,” Energ. Eng., vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 815–826, 2022.

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