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Thermomagnetic Convection-Surface Radiation Interactions in Microgravity Environment

by Saber Hamimid1, Messaoud Guellal2

Dr. Saber Hamimid, Faculty of Sciences and Applied Sciences,
Pr. Messaoud Guellal, Laboratory for Chemical Engineering ,

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2016, 12(4), 137-153.


The numerical study of combined thermo-magnetic convection and surface radiation is presented in this paper and computations are performed for a paramagnetic fluid filled square cavity whose four walls have the same emissivity, placed in a micro-gravity environment (g ≈0), and subjected to various strong non-uniform magnetic field gradients. The vertical walls were isothermal, and the horizontal walls were adiabatic. Finite volume method based on the concepts of staggered grid and SIMPLER algorithm has been applied, and the view factors were determined by analytical formula. Representative results, illustrating the effect of magnetic field strength on streamlines, temperature contours and Nusselt numbers, show that temperature differences occur within the cavity giving rise to convectif motion of the paramagnetic fluid which takes place even in a zero-gravity environment.


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APA Style
Hamimid, S., Guellal, M. (2016). Thermomagnetic convection-surface radiation interactions in microgravity environment. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 12(4), 137–153.
Vancouver Style
Hamimid S, Guellal M. Thermomagnetic convection-surface radiation interactions in microgravity environment. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2016;12(4):137–153.
IEEE Style
S. Hamimid and M. Guellal, “Thermomagnetic Convection-Surface Radiation Interactions in Microgravity Environment,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 137–153, 2016.

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