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Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flooding

by Lei Bai1,2, Kai Li1,2,*, Ke Zhou3, Qingshan Wan1,2, Pengchao Sun1,2, Gaoming Yu3, Xiankang Xin3

1 Xinjiang Oilfield Company, PetroChina (Experimental Testing Research Institute), Karamay, 834000, China
2 Xinjiang Conglomerate Reservoir Laboratory, Karamay, 834000, China
3 School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, 430100, China

* Corresponding Author: Kai Li. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Meshless, Mesh-Based and Mesh-Reduction Methods Based Analysis of Fluid Flow in Porous Media)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2022, 18(6), 1815-1826.


The numerical simulation of polymer flooding is a complex task as this process involves complex physical and chemical reactions, and multiple sets of characteristic parameters are required to properly set the simulation. At present, such characteristic parameters are mainly obtained by empirical methods, which typically result in relatively large errors. By analyzing experimentally polymer adsorption, permeability decline, inaccessible pore volume, viscosity-concentration relationship, and rheology, in this study, a conversion equation is provided to convert the experimental data into the parameters needed for the numerical simulation. Some examples are provided to demonstrate the reliability of the proposed approach.

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Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flooding


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APA Style
Bai, L., Li, K., Zhou, K., Wan, Q., Sun, P. et al. (2022). Experimental study and numerical simulation of polymer flooding. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 18(6), 1815–1826.
Vancouver Style
Bai L, Li K, Zhou K, Wan Q, Sun P, Yu G, et al. Experimental study and numerical simulation of polymer flooding. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2022;18(6):1815–1826.
IEEE Style
L. Bai et al., “Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Polymer Flooding,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1815–1826, 2022.

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