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Tubing Dimension Optimization for the Development of an Offshore Gasfield

by Donglei Jiang1, Heng Wang1, Huan Diao1, Tan Xiao1, Yi Yu1, Chunmin Zeng1, Rui Zhang2,*, Qi Huang2, Mingbo Wang2

1 Zhanjiang Branch Company, CNOOC, Zhanjiang, 524057, China
2 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, China

* Corresponding Author: Rui Zhang. Email: email

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(2), 315-327.


L1 is one of the largest offshore gas fields currently under development. In order to optimize the related design, nodal analysis is applied (including proper consideration of the plant productivity, sensitivity to the tubing size, erosion effects, liquid carrying performance, and tubing string). As a result of such approach, it is shown that 13Cr material should be chosen as the appropriate tubing material. Moreover, 3-1/2 inches 9.3 lb/ft N80 tubing, 4-1/2 inches 12.75 lb/ft N80 tubing, 5-1/2 inches 17 lb/ft N80 tubing should be used for a gas production rate under 80 × 104 m3/d, between 80 × 104 m3/d and 120 × 104 m3/d and above 120 × 104 m3/d, respectively.


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APA Style
Jiang, D., Wang, H., Diao, H., Xiao, T., Yu, Y. et al. (2023). Tubing dimension optimization for the development of an offshore gasfield. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(2), 315–327.
Vancouver Style
Jiang D, Wang H, Diao H, Xiao T, Yu Y, Zeng C, et al. Tubing dimension optimization for the development of an offshore gasfield. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(2):315–327.
IEEE Style
D. Jiang et al., “Tubing Dimension Optimization for the Development of an Offshore Gasfield,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 315–327, 2023.

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