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Earth Fault Management for Smart Grids Interconnecting Sustainable Wind Generation

by Nagy I. Elkalashy*, Sattam Al Otaibi, Salah K. Elsayed, Yasser Ahmed, Essam Hendawi, Ayman Hoballah

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Taif University, 21944, Taif, Saudi Arabia

* Corresponding Author: Nagy I. Elkalashy. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Artificial Techniques: Application, Challenges, Performance Improvement of Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems)

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2021, 28(2), 477-491.


In this study, the active traveling-wave fault location function is incorporated into the management of earth faults for smart unearthed and compensated distribution networks associated with distributed renewable generation. Unearthed and compensated networks are implemented mainly to attain service continuity, specifically during earth faults. This advantage is valued for service continuity of grid-interconnected renewable resources. However, overcurrent-based fault indicators are not efficient in indicating the fault path in these distribution networks. Accordingly, in this study, the active traveling-wave fault location is complemented using distributed Rogowski coil-based fault passage indicators. Active traveling waves are injected by switching the neutral point of unearthed and compensated networks using a thyristor. This method has the advantage of creating traveling waves even though the faulted feeder is in service. In addition, a wind energy conversion system based on a doubly-fed induction generator is interconnected. Distributed Rogowski coil fault passive indicators (FPIs) are suggested over the distribution network specifically at the lateral busbars to achieve fault management using active traveling waves. A practical suburban 20-kV compensated distribution network is simulated using ATP/EMTP. Results confirm an effective fault management process using active traveling waves in combination with distributed Rogowski coils as FPIs in the compensated distribution network. The network can continuously attain and interconnect distributed renewable resources sustainably during the earth fault period.


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APA Style
Elkalashy, N.I., Otaibi, S.A., Elsayed, S.K., Ahmed, Y., Hendawi, E. et al. (2021). Earth fault management for smart grids interconnecting sustainable wind generation. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 28(2), 477–491.
Vancouver Style
Elkalashy NI, Otaibi SA, Elsayed SK, Ahmed Y, Hendawi E, Hoballah A. Earth fault management for smart grids interconnecting sustainable wind generation. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2021;28(2):477–491.
IEEE Style
N. I. Elkalashy, S. A. Otaibi, S. K. Elsayed, Y. Ahmed, E. Hendawi, and A. Hoballah, “Earth Fault Management for Smart Grids Interconnecting Sustainable Wind Generation,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 477–491, 2021.

cc Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Tech Science Press.
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