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A Novel Classification Method with Cubic Spline Interpolation

by Husam Ali Abdulmohsin1,*, Hala Bahjat Abdul Wahab2, Abdul Mohssen Jaber Abdul Hossen3

1 Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
2 Faculty of Computer Science, Technology University, Baghdad, Iraq
3 Computer Science Department, Al-Turath University College, Baghdad, Iraq

* Corresponding Author: Husam Ali Abdulmohsin. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Computational Intelligence for Internet of Medical Things and Big Data Analytics)

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2022, 31(1), 339-355.


Classification is the last, and usually the most time-consuming step in recognition. Most recently proposed classification algorithms have adopted machine learning (ML) as the main classification approach, regardless of time consumption. This study proposes a statistical feature classification cubic spline interpolation (FC-CSI) algorithm to classify emotions in speech using a curve fitting technique. FC-CSI is utilized in a speech emotion recognition system (SERS). The idea is to sketch the cubic spline interpolation (CSI) for each audio file in a dataset and the mean cubic spline interpolations (MCSIs) representing each emotion in the dataset. CSI interpolation is generated by connecting the features extracted from each file in the feature extraction phase. The MCSI is generated by connecting the mean features of 70% of the files of each emotion in the dataset. Points on the CSI are considered the new generated features. To classify each audio file according to emotion, the Euclidian distance (ED) is found between each CSI and all MCSIs of all emotions in the dataset. Each audio file is classified according to the nearest MCSI to the CSI representing it. The three datasets used in this work are Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS), Berlin (Emo-DB), and Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE). The proposed work shows fast classification and high accuracy of results. The classification accuracy, i.e., the proportion of samples assigned to the correct class, using FC-CSI without feature selection (FS), was 69.08%, 92.52%, and 89.1% with RAVDESS, Emo-DB, and SAVEE, respectively. The results of the proposed method were compared to those of a designed neural network called SER-NN. Comparisons were made with and without FS. FC-CSI outperformed SER-NN on Emo-DB and SAVEE, and underperformed on RAVDESS, without using an FS algorithm. It was noticed from experiments that FC-CSI operated faster than the same system utilizing SER-NN.


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APA Style
Abdulmohsin, H.A., Wahab, H.B.A., Hossen, A.M.J.A. (2022). A novel classification method with cubic spline interpolation. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 31(1), 339–355.
Vancouver Style
Abdulmohsin HA, Wahab HBA, Hossen AMJA. A novel classification method with cubic spline interpolation. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2022;31(1):339–355.
IEEE Style
H. A. Abdulmohsin, H. B. A. Wahab, and A. M. J. A. Hossen, “A Novel Classification Method with Cubic Spline Interpolation,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 339–355, 2022.

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