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Review of Internet of Things in Different Sectors: Recent Advances, Technologies, and Challenges

by Samreen Mahmood

Deakin University, Melbourne, 3125, Australia

* Corresponding Author: Samreen Mahmood. Email: email

Journal on Internet of Things 2021, 3(1), 19-26.


Human beings and their activities are now connected through Internet of Things (IoT) with the evolution of wireless communication technologies. IoT is becoming popular and its usage is immensely increasing among various sectors. In this research paper, a comprehensive review has been conducted by considering recent and important literature review on IoT applications being operated in three major sectors. The three sectors studied are health, sports and transportation and logistics. Paper explored that with the help of IoT techniques, different miniature sized devices are invented which can record various parameters of human body, wearables devices have been invented which are playing important role in monitoring and recording daily fitness are working on CIoT technology and IoT emergence in the field of transportation and logistics helps in resolving several issues including conveniences, navigation issues, service cost and security issues. All the papers reviewed are journal published from 2010 to 2020. In latter part, this paper also highlighted security, privacy, reliability, consumption of various resources and policies as significant challenges for IoT.


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APA Style
Mahmood, S. (2021). Review of internet of things in different sectors: recent advances, technologies, and challenges. Journal on Internet of Things, 3(1), 19–26.
Vancouver Style
Mahmood S. Review of internet of things in different sectors: recent advances, technologies, and challenges. J Internet Things. 2021;3(1):19–26.
IEEE Style
S. Mahmood, “Review of Internet of Things in Different Sectors: Recent Advances, Technologies, and Challenges,” J. Internet Things, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 19–26, 2021.

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