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Mechanical Characterization of Bamboo and Glass Fiber Biocomposite Laminates


Loyola Marymount University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA

* Corresponding Author: email

Journal of Renewable Materials 2015, 3(4), 259-267.


Single-ply biocomposite laminates were fabricated with two different woven fabrics and a bio-based resin using a wet layup technique at room temperature. A highly elastic, stockinette weave bamboo fiber fabric and a thicker, inelastic plain weave bamboo fabric were both investigated. The elastic fabric was pre-strained at 25% intervals, ranging from 0–100% of its original length. Samples made with E-Glass and S-Glass, two common glass fiber reinforcements, were also fabricated using the bioresin as benchmarks. The ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity characteristics of the composites were determined using the ASTM D3039/ D3039M-08 standard test method for determining the tensile properties of polymer matrix composites. The average percent elongation, toughness, and fiber volume ratio of the samples were determined in order to further understand the mechanical response of the composites. The plain weave bamboo fabric laminate had a higher tensile strength and a higher modulus compared to the stockinette weave laminate. Both bamboo laminates had lower strengths and moduli compared to the E-Glass and S-Glass laminates. However, at a prestrain of 100%, the stockinette weave bamboo laminate exhibited a higher toughness than both the glass fiber laminates and the plain weave bamboo laminate.


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APA Style
Eberts, W., Siniawski, M.T., Burdiak, T., Polito, N. (2015). Mechanical characterization of bamboo and glass fiber biocomposite laminates. Journal of Renewable Materials, 3(4), 259–267.
Vancouver Style
Eberts W, Siniawski MT, Burdiak T, Polito N. Mechanical characterization of bamboo and glass fiber biocomposite laminates. J Renew Mater. 2015;3(4):259–267.
IEEE Style
W. Eberts, M.T. Siniawski, T. Burdiak, and N. Polito, “Mechanical Characterization of Bamboo and Glass Fiber Biocomposite Laminates,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 259–267, 2015.

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