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Germination of Eryngium regnellii: a major species for ecological restoration of plant-pollinator interactions in the Southern Pampas (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
1 CONICET. Laboratorio Ecotono, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Quintral 1250. 8400. San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina.
2 EEA (Estación Experimental Agropecuaria) Balcarce, INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria), CC 276, 7620 Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
* Corresponding Author:Address Correspondence to: Dra. Malena Sabatino, e-mail:
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 84(2), 435-443.
Eryngium regnellii Malme belongs to the largest genera in the Apiaceae family, with 250 species worldwide and 65 represented in South America. It is a herbaceous species typical of hill plant communities, which, along with remnant grassland patches, are the most relevant natural habitats for the maintenance of diversity in the Southern Pampas. Eryngium regnellii is key to the maintenance of pollination mutualisms, being a generalist (displaying a diverse assemblage of pollinators) and ubiquitous species (present in all studied sierras). However, fragmentation of the Pampean landscape due to agricultural intensification has led to the loss of natural environments. Therefore, the reintroduction of E. regnellii in strategic places would facilitate the occurrence of wild pollinators, while favoring pollination services in the agroecosystem. The germination requirements of E. regnellii were studied because a better knowledge of the reproductive biology of this species would provide information relevant to its reproduction and reintroduction into degraded areas. Germination percentages and mean time to germination were evaluated, using one control and two pre-germination treatments: chemical scarification with sulfuric acid, and mechanical scarification with sand paper. Chemical scarified seeds did not germinate. Mechanically scarified and control seed groups showed no significant differences either in germination percentages (49% and 59% respectively) or in mean germination time (13 and 14 days, respectively). Results indicate that E. regnellii shows no physical dormancy, and does not require specific pre-germination treatments for germination under the studied laboratory conditions. The high germination capacity of E. regnellii, along with its ecological attributes, make it a potential species for restoring plant-pollinator interactions in the fragmented landscapes of the Southern Pampas.Keywords
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