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Control Alternatives for Damping-Off in Tomato Seedling Production

A. C. Michel-Aceves1, J. F. Díaz-Nájera1, R. Ariza-Flores2, M. A. Otero-Sánchez1, R. Escobar-Martínez1 and C. H. Avendaño-Arrazate3,*

1 Centro de Estudios Profesionales del Colegio Superior Agropecuario del Estado de Guerrero, Av. Vicente Guerrero No. 81, Colonia Centro, Iguala, Guerrero, C.P. 40000, México.
2 Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP), Campo Experimental Iguala, Carr. Iguala-Tuxpan, Km. 2.5 Iguala, Guerrero, México.
3 INIFAP-Campo Experimental Rosario Izapa. Carr. Tapachula-Cacahoatán, Tuxtla chico, Chiapas, C.P. 30870, México.

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2019, 88(3), 325-333.


In two tomato genotypes, we assessed control alternatives for damping-off with combinations of chemical fungicides and native/commercial strains of biological agents. Forty treatments consisting of 19 levels of mixing products, chemical fungicides, native strains and commercial products from biological control agents, and untreated treatment were used onto Ramsés and Toro hybrids. They were distributed on an incomplete block design in divided plots arrangement, where genotypes constitute the larger ones and the 8-repetition mixed products, the smaller ones. Putting 180 mL of fungal complexes, made of spores and mycellium Fusarium-solani (2 × 106 UFC), Rhizoctonia-solani (1 × 106 UFC), Phytophthora-capsici (1 × 105 UFC) and Sclerotium-rolfsii (mycellium-sclerotia) on each seedling trays, made inoculation possible. The mixtures of (Bacillus spp. + Streptomyces spp. + Trichoderma spp.) + (Propamocarb + Fosetyl); (Bacillus spp. + Streptomyces spp. + Trichoderma spp.) + (Metalaxyl + Chlorothalonil); Pseudomonas fluorescens + Streptomyces + Micromonospore + Sporideamium + Aminoacidos, Péptidos, Carbohidratos) + (Propamocarb + Fosetyl); the native strain of Trichoderma asperellum + (Propamocarb + fosetil) and the native strains Trichoderma asperellum + Bacillus subtilis, diminished damping-off, prevented its appearance and had most significant agronomic characteristics. In contrast to this, combination of (Mancozeb) + (Free iodine) + (Metalaxyl + Chlorothalonil) + (Methyl thiophanate) produced some toxicity in the plant. In addition, Ramsés presented the best agronomic parameters, while Toro had the utmost fresh and dry weight in root.


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APA Style
Michel-Aceves, A.C., Díaz-Nájera, J.F., Ariza-Flores, R., Otero-Sánchez, M.A., Avendaño-Arrazate, R.E.A.C.H. (2019). Control alternatives for damping-off in tomato seedling production. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 88(3), 325-333.
Vancouver Style
Michel-Aceves AC, Díaz-Nájera JF, Ariza-Flores R, Otero-Sánchez MA, Avendaño-Arrazate REACH. Control alternatives for damping-off in tomato seedling production. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2019;88(3):325-333
IEEE Style
A.C. Michel-Aceves, J.F. Díaz-Nájera, R. Ariza-Flores, M.A. Otero-Sánchez, and R.E.A.C.H. Avendaño-Arrazate "Control Alternatives for Damping-Off in Tomato Seedling Production," Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 325-333. 2019.


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