Rongge Xiaoa,*, Yanwei Zhanga
, Xu Gaob , Hongping Yuc , Wangying Weia
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.15, pp. 1-8, 2020, DOI:10.5098/hmt.15.22
Abstract In order to improve DMR (double mixed refrigerant) liquefaction process and reduce operation cost of natural gas liquefaction plant, a four-stage
DMR process optimization simulation calculation model was established through Aspen Hysys v8.4 and the purpose of the optimization model is
achieved by using the segmented compression process in this paper. The minimum energy consumption and the highest exergy efficiency were used
as the objective functions. By using the optimizer in HYSYS, the process parameters and ingredient proportion of the mixed refrigerant in the fourstage DMR process was optimized, and the best process parameters and More >