R. Nithya1, K. Amudha2,*, A. Syed Musthafa3, Dilip Kumar Sharma4, Edwin Hernan Ramirez-Asis5, Priya Velayutham6, V. Subramaniyaswamy7, Sudhakar Sengan8
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.1, pp. 1069-1087, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.019221
Abstract The 5G demonstrations in a business has a significant role in today's fast-moving technology. Manet in 5G, drives a wireless system intended at an enormously high data rate, lower energy, low latency, and cost. For this reason, routing protocols of MANET have the possibility of being fundamentally flexible, high performance, and energy-efficient. The 5G communication aims to afford higher data rates and significantly low Over-The-Air latency. Motivated through supplementary ACO routing processes, a security-aware, fuzzy improved ant colony routing optimization protocol is proposed in MANETs. The goal is to develop a MANET routing protocol that… More >