Malek Alzaqebah1,2,*, Mutasem K. Alsmadi3, Sana Jawarneh4, Jehad Saad Alqurni5, Mohammed Tayfour3, Ibrahim Almarashdeh3, Rami Mustafa A. Mohammad6, Fahad A. Alghamdi3, Nahier Aldhafferi6, Abdullah Alqahtani6, Khalid A. Alissa7, Bashar A. Aldeeb8, Usama A. Badawi3, Maram Alwohaibi1,2, Hayat Alfagham3
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 1371-1389, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.033509
Abstract Various feature selection algorithms are usually employed to improve classification models’ overall performance. Optimization algorithms typically accompany such algorithms to select the optimal set of features. Among the most currently attractive trends within optimization algorithms are hybrid metaheuristics. The present paper presents two Stages of Local Search models for feature selection based on WOA (Whale Optimization Algorithm) and Great Deluge (GD). GD Algorithm is integrated with the WOA algorithm to improve exploitation by identifying the most promising regions during the search. Another version is employed using the best solution found by the WOA algorithm and… More >