G.S. Palani1, B. Dattaguru2, Nagesh R. Iyer1
Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.4, No.2, pp. 77-94, 2008, DOI:10.3970/sdhm.2008.004.077
Abstract The objective of this paper is to present a generalized technique called as, numerically integrated Modified Virtual Crack Closure Integral (NI-MVCCI) technique for computation of strain energy release rate (SERR) for 2-D crack problems employing singular finite elements. NI-MVCCI technique is generalized one and the expressions for computing SERR are independent of the finite element employed. Stress intensity factor (SIF) can be computed using the relations between SERR and SIF depending on the assumption of plane stress/strain conditions. NI-MVCCI technique has been demonstrated for 8-noded Serendipity (regular & quarter-point) and 9-noded Lagrangian (regular & quarter-point) More >