Xinshuai Shi1, Hongwen Jing1, *, Jianguo Ning2, Zhenlong Zhao1, Junfu Zhu1
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.124, No.1, pp. 315-343, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2020.07955
- 19 June 2020
Abstract The stability control of gob-side entry retaining in fully mechanized caving face
is a typical challenge in many coal mines in China. The rotation and subsidence of the
lateral cantilever play a critical role in a coal mine, possibly leading to instability in a coal
seam wall or a gob-side wall due to its excessive rotation subsidence. Hence, the presplitting
blasting measures in the roof was implemented to cut down the lower main roof and convert
it to caved immediate roof strata, which can significantly reduce the rotation space for the
lateral cantilever and effectively… More >