Azad Hussain1,*, Naila Farooq1, Ayesha Saddiqa1, Ahmad M. Hassan2, Abdulkafi Mohammed Saeed3
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.21, pp. 563-590, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fhmt.2023.042818
Abstract The current article discusses the peristaltic flow of the Casson fluid model with implications for double diffusivity, radiative flux, variable conductivity and viscosity. This study offers a thorough understanding of the functioning and illnesses of embryological organs, renal systems, respiratory tracts, etc., that may be useful to medical professionals and researchers. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the consequences of double diffusivity on the peristaltic flow of nanofluid. By implementing the appropriate transformation, the governed differential equations of momentum, temperature, concentration and double diffusivity are worked out numerically. The lowest Reynolds number… More >