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Search Results (58)
  • Open Access


    HealthyBlockchain for Global Patients

    Shada A. Alsalamah1,2,3,*, Hessah A. Alsalamah1,4, Thamer Nouh5, Sara A. Alsalamah6

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.68, No.2, pp. 2431-2449, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.016618 - 13 April 2021

    Abstract An emerging healthcare delivery model is enabling a new era of clinical care based on well-informed decision-making processes. Current healthcare information systems (HISs) fall short of adopting this model due to a conflict between information security needed to implement the new model and those already enforced locally to support traditional care models. Meanwhile, in recent times, the healthcare sector has shown a substantial interest in the potential of using blockchain technology for providing quality care to patients. No blockchain solution proposed so far has fully addressed emerging cross-organization information-sharing needs in healthcare. In this paper, More >

  • Open Access


    Smart Contract: Security and Privacy

    Leena S. Alotaibi, Sultan S. Alshamrani*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.38, No.1, pp. 93-101, 2021, DOI:10.32604/csse.2021.015547 - 01 April 2021

    Abstract Smart contracts are simply self-activated contracts between two parties. The idea behind their implementation relies on the concept of blockchain, wherein the details and execution of the contract are turned into code and distributed among users of a network. This process controls counterfeiting and money laundering by its ability to trace who owes whom. It also boosts the general economy. This research paper shows how smart contracts in modern-day systems have changed the approach to money tracing. We present case studies about the uses of smart contracts with high levels of security and privacy. As More >

  • Open Access


    Computational Intelligence Approach for Municipal Council Elections Using Blockchain

    Fatmah Baothman*, Kawther Saeedi, Khulood Aljuhani, Safaa Alkatheri, Mashael Almeatani, Nourah Alothman

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.27, No.3, pp. 625-639, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.014827 - 01 March 2021

    Abstract Blockchain is an innovative technology that disrupts different industries and offers decentralized, secure, and immutable platforms. Its first appearance is connected with monetary cryptocurrency transactions, followed by adaptation in several domains. We believe that blockchain can provide a reliable environment by utilizing its unique characteristics to offer a more secure, costless, and robust mechanism suitable for a voting application. Although the technology has captured the interest of governments worldwide, blockchain as a service is still limited due to lack of application development experience, technology complexity, and absence of standardized design, architecture, and best practices. Therefore,… More >

  • Open Access


    DNS Service Model Based on Permissioned Blockchain

    Yantao Shen1,*, Yang Lu2, Zhili Wang1, Xin Xv3, Feng Qi1, Ningzhe Xing4, Ziyu Zhao5

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 259-268, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.013704 - 07 January 2021

    Abstract With the continuous development of the Internet, the domain name system (DNS) as infrastructure is playing an increasingly important role. However, traditional DNS architecture is centralized, and there are some security problems such as the right concentration and power abuse. This paper combines blockchain technology with DNS technology and proposes a domain name service model based on the permissioned blockchain. At first, this paper designs a top-level domain chain (TLDChain) model to conduct consensus on block transactions and achieve decentralization of domain name service. Then, this paper introduces a data model to upload data. At More >

  • Open Access


    Real Estate Management via a Decentralized Blockchain Platform

    Iftikhar Ahmad1,*, Mohammed A. Alqarni2, Abdulwahab Ali Almazroi3, Laiba Alam1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.66, No.2, pp. 1813-1822, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.013048 - 26 November 2020

    Abstract Blockchain technology is one of the key technological breakthroughs of the last decade. It has the ability to revolutionize numerous aspects of society, including financial systems, healthcare, e-government and many others. One such area that is able to reap the benefits of blockchain technology is the real estate industry. Like many other industries, real estate faces major administrative problems such as high transaction fees, a lack of transparency, fraud and the effects of a middleman including undue influence and commissions. Blockchain enables supporting technologies to overcome the obstacles inherent within the real estate investment market.… More >

  • Open Access


    Smart Contract Fuzzing Based on Taint Analysis and Genetic Algorithms

    Zaoyu Wei1,*, Jiaqi Wang2, Xueqi Shen1, Qun Luo1

    Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 35-45, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jihpp.2020.010331 - 15 October 2020

    Abstract Smart contract has greatly improved the services and capabilities of blockchain, but it has become the weakest link of blockchain security because of its code nature. Therefore, efficient vulnerability detection of smart contract is the key to ensure the security of blockchain system. Oriented to Ethereum smart contract, the study solves the problems of redundant input and low coverage in the smart contract fuzz. In this paper, a taint analysis method based on EVM is proposed to reduce the invalid input, a dangerous operation database is designed to identify the dangerous input, and genetic algorithm More >

  • Open Access


    A Distributed Privacy Preservation Approach for Big Data in Public Health Emergencies Using Smart Contract and SGX

    Jun Li1, 2, Jieren Cheng2, *, Naixue Xiong3, Lougao Zhan4, Yuan Zhang1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.65, No.1, pp. 723-741, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.011272 - 23 July 2020

    Abstract Security and privacy issues have become a rapidly growing problem with the fast development of big data in public health. However, big data faces many ongoing serious challenges in the process of collection, storage, and use. Among them, data security and privacy problems have attracted extensive interest. In an effort to overcome this challenge, this article aims to present a distributed privacy preservation approach based on smart contracts and Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). First of all, we define SGX as a trusted edge computing node, design data access module, data protection module, and data… More >

  • Open Access


    Smart Contract Fuzzing Based on Taint Analysis and Genetic Algorithms

    Zaoyu Wei1, *, Jiaqi Wang2, Xueqi Shen1, Qun Luo1

    Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 11-24, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2020.010815 - 28 May 2020

    Abstract Smart contract has greatly improved the services and capabilities of blockchain, but it has become the weakest link of blockchain security because of its code nature. Therefore, efficient vulnerability detection of smart contract is the key to ensure the security of blockchain system. Oriented to Ethereum smart contract, the study solves the problems of redundant input and low coverage in the smart contract fuzz. In this paper, a taint analysis method based on EVM is proposed to reduce the invalid input, a dangerous operation database is designed to identify the dangerous input, and genetic algorithm More >

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