Zhiqiang Ma1,2, Lingshuang Kong1,2, Xianlong Jin1,2,*
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.116, No.1, pp. 51-67, 2018, DOI:10.31614/cmes.2018.01739
Abstract Many engineering applications need to analyse the system dynamics on the macro and micro level, which results in a larger computational effort. An explicit-implicit asynchronous step algorithm is introduced to solve the structural dynamics in multi-scale both the space domain and time domain. The discrete FEA model is partitioned into explicit and implicit parts using the nodal partition method. Multiple boundary node method is adopted to handle the interface coupled problem. In coupled region, the implicit Newmark coupled with an explicit predictor corrector Newmark whose predictive wave propagates into the implicit mesh. During the explicit More >