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Search Results (37)
  • Open Access


    Automatic Unusual Activities Recognition Using Deep Learning in Academia

    Muhammad Ramzan1,2,*, Adnan Abid1, Shahid Mahmood Awan1,3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.1, pp. 1829-1844, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.017522 - 07 September 2021

    Abstract In the current era, automatic surveillance has become an active research problem due to its vast real-world applications, particularly for maintaining law and order. A continuous manual monitoring of human activities is a tedious task. The use of cameras and automatic detection of unusual surveillance activity has been growing exponentially over the last few years. Various computer vision techniques have been applied for observation and surveillance of real-world activities. This research study focuses on detecting and recognizing unusual activities in an academic situation such as examination halls, which may help the invigilators observe and restrict… More >

  • Open Access


    Adapted Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) for Concurrent\\ Human Activity Recognition

    Keshav Thapa, Zubaer Md. Abdhulla AI, Yang Sung-Hyun*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.69, No.2, pp. 1653-1670, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.015660 - 21 July 2021

    Abstract In this era, deep learning methods offer a broad spectrum of efficient and original algorithms to recognize or predict an output when given a sequence of inputs. In current trends, deep learning methods using recent long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithms try to provide superior performance, but they still have limited effectiveness when detecting sequences of complex human activity. In this work, we adapted the LSTM algorithm into a synchronous algorithm (sync-LSTM), enabling the model to take multiple parallel input sequences to produce multiple parallel synchronized output sequences. The proposed method is implemented for simultaneous human… More >

  • Open Access


    Human Activity Recognition Based on Parallel Approximation Kernel K-Means Algorithm

    Ahmed A. M. Jamel1,∗, Bahriye Akay2,†

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.35, No.6, pp. 441-456, 2020, DOI:10.32604/csse.2020.35.441

    Abstract Recently, owing to the capability of mobile and wearable devices to sense daily human activity, human activity recognition (HAR) datasets have become a large-scale data resource. Due to the heterogeneity and nonlinearly separable nature of the data recorded by these sensors, the datasets generated require special techniques to accurately predict human activity and mitigate the considerable heterogeneity. Consequently, classic clustering algorithms do not work well with these data. Hence, kernelization, which converts the data into a new feature vector representation, is performed on nonlinearly separable data. This study aims to present a robust method to… More >

  • Open Access


    Reducing Operational Time Complexity of k-NN Algorithms Using Clustering in Wrist-Activity Recognition

    Sun-Taag Choe, We-Duke Cho*, Jai-Hoon Kim, and Ki-Hyung Kim

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.4, pp. 679-691, 2020, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2020.010102

    Abstract Recent research on activity recognition in wearable devices has identified a key challenge: k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) algorithms have a high operational time complexity. Thus, these algorithms are difficult to utilize in embedded wearable devices. Herein, we propose a method for reducing this complexity. We apply a clustering algorithm for learning data and assign labels to each cluster according to the maximum likelihood. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves effective operational levels for implementation in embedded devices; however, the accuracy is slightly lower than that of a traditional k-NN algorithm. Additionally, our method provides More >

  • Open Access


    DL-HAR: Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition Framework for Edge Computing

    Abdu Gumaei1, 2, *, Mabrook Al-Rakhami1, 2, Hussain AlSalman2, Sk. Md. Mizanur Rahman3, Atif Alamri1, 2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.65, No.2, pp. 1033-1057, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.011740 - 20 August 2020

    Abstract Human activity recognition is commonly used in several Internet of Things applications to recognize different contexts and respond to them. Deep learning has gained momentum for identifying activities through sensors, smartphones or even surveillance cameras. However, it is often difficult to train deep learning models on constrained IoT devices. The focus of this paper is to propose an alternative model by constructing a Deep Learning-based Human Activity Recognition framework for edge computing, which we call DL-HAR. The goal of this framework is to exploit the capabilities of cloud computing to train a deep learning model More >

  • Open Access


    State-Space Based Linear Modeling for Human Activity Recognition in Smart Space

    M. Humayun Kabir1, Keshav Thapa2, Jae-Young Yang2, Sung-HyunYang2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.25, No.4, pp. 673-681, 2019, DOI:10.31209/2018.100000035

    Abstract Recognition of human activity is a key element for building intelligent and pervasive environments. Inhabitants interact with several objects and devices while performing any activity. Interactive objects and devices convey information that can be essential factors for activity recognition. Using embedded sensors with devices or objects, it is possible to get object-use sequencing data. This approach does not create discomfort to the user than wearable sensors and has no impact or issue in terms of user privacy than image sensors. In this paper, we propose a linear model for activity recognition based on the state-space More >

  • Open Access


    Feature Selection for Activity Recognition from Smartphone Accelerometer Data

    Juan C. Quiroza, Amit Banerjeeb, Sergiu M. Dascaluc, Sian Lun Laua

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.24, No.4, pp. 785-793, 2018, DOI:10.1080/10798587.2017.1342400

    Abstract We use the public Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones (HARUS) data-set to investigate and identify the most informative features for determining the physical activity performed by a user based on smartphone accelerometer and gyroscope data. The HARUS data-set includes 561 time domain and frequency domain features extracted from sensor readings collected from a smartphone carried by 30 users while performing specific activities. We compare the performance of a decision tree, support vector machines, Naive Bayes, multilayer perceptron, and bagging. We report the various classification performances of these algorithms for subject independent cases. Our results show More >

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