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Search Results (39)
  • Open Access


    A Clustering Method Based on Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm

    Tianyu Wang, Yu Xue, Yan Zhao, Yuxiang Wang*, Yan Zhang, Yuxiang He

    Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 135-142, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jihpp.2020.010362 - 18 December 2020

    Abstract In the field of data mining and machine learning, clustering is a typical issue which has been widely studied by many researchers, and lots of effective algorithms have been proposed, including K-means, fuzzy c-means (FCM) and DBSCAN. However, the traditional clustering methods are easily trapped into local optimum. Thus, many evolutionary-based clustering methods have been investigated. Considering the effectiveness of brain storm optimization (BSO) in increasing the diversity while the diversity optimization is performed, in this paper, we propose a new clustering model based on BSO to use the global ability of BSO. In our… More >

  • Open Access


    Weighted Particle Swarm Clustering Algorithm for Self-Organizing Maps

    Guorong Cui, Hao Li, Yachuan Zhang, Rongjing Bu, Yan Kang*, Jinyuan Li, Yang Hu

    Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 85-95, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2020.09717 - 19 October 2020

    Abstract The traditional K-means clustering algorithm is difficult to determine the cluster number, which is sensitive to the initialization of the clustering center and easy to fall into local optimum. This paper proposes a clustering algorithm based on self-organizing mapping network and weight particle swarm optimization SOM&WPSO (Self-Organization Map and Weight Particle Swarm Optimization). Firstly, the algorithm takes the competitive learning mechanism of a self-organizing mapping network to divide the data samples into coarse clusters and obtain the clustering center. Then, the obtained clustering center is used as the initialization parameter of the weight particle swarm… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybridization of Fuzzy and Hard Semi-Supervised Clustering Algorithms Tuned with Ant Lion Optimizer Applied to Higgs Boson Search

    Soukaina Mjahed1,*, Khadija Bouzaachane1, Ahmad Taher Azar2,3, Salah El Hadaj1, Said Raghay1

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.125, No.2, pp. 459-494, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2020.010791 - 12 October 2020

    Abstract This paper focuses on the unsupervised detection of the Higgs boson particle using the most informative features and variables which characterize the “Higgs machine learning challenge 2014” data set. This unsupervised detection goes in this paper analysis through 4 steps: (1) selection of the most informative features from the considered data; (2) definition of the number of clusters based on the elbow criterion. The experimental results showed that the optimal number of clusters that group the considered data in an unsupervised manner corresponds to 2 clusters; (3) proposition of a new approach for hybridization of… More >

  • Open Access


    The Application of Sparse Reconstruction Algorithm for Improving Background Dictionary in Visual Saliency Detection

    Lei Feng1,2, Haibin Li1,*, Yakun Gao1, Yakun Zhang1

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.4, pp. 831-839, 2020, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2020.010117

    Abstract In the paper, we apply the sparse reconstruction algorithm of improved background dictionary to saliency detection. Firstly, after super-pixel segmentation, two bottom features are extracted: the color information of LAB and the texture features of the image by Gabor filter. Secondly, the convex hull theory is used to remove object region in boundary region, and K-means clustering algorithm is used to continue to simplify the background dictionary. Finally, the saliency map is obtained by calculating the reconstruction error. Compared with the mainstream algorithms, the accuracy and efficiency of this algorithm are better than those of More >

  • Open Access


    An Improved Crow Search Based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Healthcare Applications

    Parvathavarthini S1,*, Karthikeyani Visalakshi N2, Shanthi S3, Madhan Mohan J4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.2, pp. 253-260, 2020, DOI:10.31209/2019.100000155

    Abstract Intuitionistic fuzzy clustering allows the uncertainties in data to be represented more precisely. Medical data usually possess a high degree of uncertainty and serve as the right candidate to be represented as Intuitionistic fuzzy sets. However, the selection of initial centroids plays a crucial role in determining the resulting cluster structure. Crow search algorithm is hybridized with Intuitionistic fuzzy C-means to attain better results than the existing hybrid algorithms. Still, the performance of the algorithm needs improvement with respect to the objective function and cluster indices especially with internal indices. In order to address these More >

  • Open Access


    Analysis of Semi-Supervised Text Clustering Algorithm on Marine Data

    Yu Jiang1, 2, Dengwen Yu1, Mingzhao Zhao1, 2, Hongtao Bai1, 2, Chong Wang1, 2, 3, Lili He1, 2, *

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 207-216, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09861 - 20 May 2020

    Abstract Semi-supervised clustering improves learning performance as long as it uses a small number of labeled samples to assist un-tagged samples for learning. This paper implements and compares unsupervised and semi-supervised clustering analysis of BOAArgo ocean text data. Unsupervised K-Means and Affinity Propagation (AP) are two classical clustering algorithms. The Election-AP algorithm is proposed to handle the final cluster number in AP clustering as it has proved to be difficult to control in a suitable range. Semi-supervised samples thermocline data in the BOA-Argo dataset according to the thermocline standard definition, and use this data for semi-supervised… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybrid Clustering Algorithms with GRASP to Construct an Initial Solution for the MVPPDP

    Abeer I. Alhujaylan1, 2, *, Manar I. Hosny1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.62, No.3, pp. 1025-1051, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.08742

    Abstract Mobile commerce (m-commerce) contributes to increasing the popularity of electronic commerce (e-commerce), allowing anybody to sell or buy goods using a mobile device or tablet anywhere and at any time. As demand for e-commerce increases tremendously, the pressure on delivery companies increases to organise their transportation plans to achieve profits and customer satisfaction. One important planning problem in this domain is the multi-vehicle profitable pickup and delivery problem (MVPPDP), where a selected set of pickup and delivery customers need to be served within certain allowed trip time. In this paper, we proposed hybrid clustering algorithms More >

  • Open Access


    An Improved Unsupervised Image Segmentation Method Based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Clustering Algorithm

    Zhe Liu1,2,*, Bao Xiang1,3, Yuqing Song1, Hu Lu1, Qingfeng Liu1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.58, No.2, pp. 451-461, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.04069

    Abstract Most image segmentation methods based on clustering algorithms use single-objective function to implement image segmentation. To avoid the defect, this paper proposes a new image segmentation method based on a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (PSO) clustering algorithm. This unsupervised algorithm not only offers a new similarity computing approach based on electromagnetic forces, but also obtains the proper number of clusters which is determined by scale-space theory. It is experimentally demonstrated that the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed multi-objective PSO clustering algorithm. More >

  • Open Access


    An Intelligent Incremental Filtering Feature Selection and Clustering Algorithm for Effective Classification

    U. Kanimozhi, D. Manjula

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.24, No.4, pp. 701-709, 2018, DOI:10.1080/10798587.2017.1307626

    Abstract We are witnessing the era of big data computing where computing the resources is becoming the main bottleneck to deal with those large datasets. In the case of high-dimensional data where each view of data is of high dimensionality, feature selection is necessary for further improving the clustering and classification results. In this paper, we propose a new feature selection method, Incremental Filtering Feature Selection (IF2S) algorithm, and a new clustering algorithm, Temporal Interval based Fuzzy Minimal Clustering (TIFMC) algorithm that employs the Fuzzy Rough Set for selecting optimal subset of features and for effective More >

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