Mingxing Zhou1,2, Peng Xiao3, Qixu Wang1,2,*, Shuhua Ruan1,2, Xingshu Chen1,2, Menglong Yang4
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.138, No.1, pp. 957-979, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.028612
Abstract Due to the need for massive device connectivity, low communication latency, and various customizations in 6G architecture, a distributed cloud deployment approach will be more relevant to the space-air-ground-sea integrated network scenario. However, the openness and heterogeneity of the 6G network cause the problems of network security. To improve the trustworthiness of 6G networks, we propose a trusted computing-based approach for establishing trust relationships in multi-cloud scenarios. The proposed method shows the relationship of trust based on dual-level verification. It separates the trustworthy states of multiple complex cloud units in 6G architecture into the state… More >