Masoud Alajmi1, Mohamed K. Nour2, Siwar Ben Haj Hassine3, Mimouna Abdullah Alkhonaini4, Manar Ahmed Hamza5,*, Ishfaq Yaseen5, Abu Sarwar Zamani5, Mohammed Rizwanullah5
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.3, pp. 5499-5513, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.026187
Abstract Recently, cyber physical system (CPS) has gained significant attention which mainly depends upon an effective collaboration with computation and physical components. The greatly interrelated and united characteristics of CPS resulting in the development of cyber physical energy systems (CPES). At the same time, the rising ubiquity of wireless sensor networks (WSN) in several application areas makes it a vital part of the design of CPES. Since security and energy efficiency are the major challenging issues in CPES, this study offers an energy aware secure cyber physical systems with clustered wireless sensor networks using metaheuristic algorithms… More >