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Search Results (84)
  • Open Access


    A Deep Learning Estimation Method for Temperature-Induced Girder End Displacements of Suspension Bridges

    Yao Jin1, Yuan Ren1, Chong-Yuan Guo2, Chong Li3, Zhao-Yuan Guo1,4, Xiang Xu1,*

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 307-325, 2025, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2024.055265 - 15 January 2025

    Abstract To improve the accuracy of thermal response estimation and overcome the limitations of the linear regression model and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model, this study introduces a deep learning estimation method specifically based on the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, to predict temperature-induced girder end displacements of the Dasha Waterway Bridge, a suspension bridge in China. First, to enhance data quality and select target sensors, preprocessing based on the sigma rule and nearest neighbor interpolation is applied to the raw data. Furthermore, to eliminate the high-frequency components from the displacement signal, the wavelet transform is… More >

  • Open Access


    A Damage Control Model for Reinforced Concrete Pier Columns Based on Pre-Damage Tests under Cyclic Reverse Loading

    Zhao-Jun Zhang1, Jing-Shui Zhen1, Bo-Cheng Li1, De-Cheng Cai1, Yang-Yang Du1, Wen-Wei Wang2,*

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 327-346, 2025, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2024.054671 - 15 January 2025

    Abstract To mitigate the challenges in managing the damage level of reinforced concrete (RC) pier columns subjected to cyclic reverse loading, this study conducted a series of cyclic reverse tests on RC pier columns. By analyzing the outcomes of destructive testing on various specimens and fine-tuning the results with the aid of the IMK (Ibarra Medina Krawinkler) recovery model, the energy dissipation capacity coefficient of the pier columns were able to be determined. Furthermore, utilizing the calibrated damage model parameters, the damage index for each specimen were calculated. Based on the obtained damage levels, three distinct More >

  • Open Access


    Elastic Fields of Double Branched and Kalthoff-Winkler Cracks in a Half-Plane

    Yangjian Si1,2, Yujie Wei1,2,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.29, No.1, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011974

    Abstract Edge cracking represents one of the most prominent damage modes in engineering practice and hence receives immense attention from academic societies. When branched cracks or multiple cracks are present at the edge, their propagation may be affected by the interaction between the cracks. In this talk, we may cover the elasticity of a cracked half-plane with two typical scenarios: a double branched crack with two rays emanating from one point on the edge and two edge cracks spaced by a certain distance (Kalthoff–Winkler cracks). By adopting the combination of the Schwartz-Christoffel conformal mapping and the… More >

  • Open Access


    Analysis of Snow Distribution and Displacement in the Bogie Region of a High-Speed Train

    Zhihui Du1, Mengge Yu1,*, Jiali Liu2, Xiulong Yao1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.7, pp. 1687-1701, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.047315 - 23 July 2024

    Abstract Snow interacting with a high-speed train can cause the formation of ice in the train bogie region and affect its safety. In this study, a wind-snow multiphase numerical approach is introduced for high-speed train bogies on the basis of the Euler-Lagrange discrete phase model. A particle-wall impact criterion is implemented to account for the presence of snow particles on the surface. Subsequently, numerical simulations are conducted, considering various snow particle diameter distributions and densities. The research results indicate that when the particle diameter is relatively small, the distribution of snow particles in the bogie cavity More >

  • Open Access


    Research on Damage Identification of Cable-Stayed Bridges Based on Modal Fingerprint Data Fusion

    Yue Cao1,2, Longsheng Bao1, Xiaowei Zhang1,*, Zhanfei Wang1, Bingqian Li1

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 485-503, 2024, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2024.049698 - 05 June 2024

    Abstract This study addresses the issue of inaccurate single damage fingerprint recognition during the process of bridge damage identification. To improve accuracy, the proposed approach involves fusing displacement mode difference and curvature mode difference data for single damage identification, and curvature mode difference and displacement mode wavelet coefficient difference data for two damage identification. The methodology begins by establishing a finite element model of the cable-stayed bridge and obtaining the original damage fingerprints, displacement modes, curvature modes, and wavelet coefficient differences of displacement modes through modal analysis. A fusion program based on the D-S evidence theory… More > Graphic Abstract

    Research on Damage Identification of Cable-Stayed Bridges Based on Modal Fingerprint Data Fusion

  • Open Access


    Damage Identification Algorithm of Composite Structure Based on Displacement Field

    Xiaoyang Shen1, Xiaojing Zhang1,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.28, No.1, pp. 1-3, 2023, DOI:10.32604/icces.2023.010519

    Abstract 1 General Introduction
    Reliable structural health monitoring with high detection probability is very important [1]. Therefore, the method of finite element simulation was adopted. Based on the basic equation of material mechanics and stiffness degradation theory, to detect the damage of composite laminates, and further improves the intelligence of the detection process through the method of visual detection neural network.

    2 Theoretical derivation and simulation
    2.1 Equations for buckling
    In the stratified damage area, each layer bears the load independently, and the bearing capacity is determined by the stiffness there: the larger the axial stiffness, the stronger the bearing… More >

  • Open Access


    Research progress and prospects of nucleic acid isothermal amplification technology


    BIOCELL, Vol.47, No.11, pp. 2385-2395, 2023, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2023.029687 - 27 November 2023

    Abstract Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) detection and quantification methods play vital roles in molecular biology. With the development of molecular biology, isothermal amplification of DNA/RNA, as a new molecular biology technology, can be amplified under isothermal condition, it has the advantages of high sensitivity, high specificity, and high efficiency, and has been applied in various fields of biotechnology, including disease diagnosis, pathogen detection, food hygiene and safety detection and so on. This paper introduces the progress of isothermal amplification technology, including rolling circle amplification (RCA), nucleic acid sequence-dependent amplification (NASBA), strand displacement amplification (SDA), loop-mediated More >

  • Open Access


    A Monitoring Method for Transmission Tower Foots Displacement Based on Wind-Induced Vibration Response

    Zhicheng Liu1, Long Zhao1,*, Guanru Wen1, Peng Yuan2, Qiu Jin1

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.17, No.6, pp. 541-555, 2023, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2023.029760 - 17 November 2023

    Abstract The displacement of transmission tower feet can seriously affect the safe operation of the tower, and the accuracy of structural health monitoring methods is limited at the present stage. The application of deep learning method provides new ideas for structural health monitoring of towers, but the current amount of tower vibration fault data is restricted to provide adequate training data for Deep Learning (DL). In this paper, we propose a DT-DL based tower foot displacement monitoring method, which firstly simulates the wind-induced vibration response data of the tower under each fault condition by finite element… More > Graphic Abstract

    A Monitoring Method for Transmission Tower Foots Displacement Based on Wind-Induced Vibration Response

  • Open Access


    A Novel Topology Optimization Method for Local Relative Displacement Difference Minimization

    Jinyu Gu1, Jinping Qu1, Yingjun Wang1,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.26, No.4, pp. 1-1, 2023, DOI:10.32604/icces.2023.09161

    Abstract In the topology optimization problem of mechanical structures, the optimization objectives are mainly focused on the compliance minimization, displacement minimization, stress minimization, and so on. However, in practical engineering, these kinds of optimization objectives do not meet all the requirements. Some structures, such as wind turbine blades and engine blades of aircrafts, are required to maintain a superior aerodynamic shape under external loads. This puts a higher requirement on the local deformation homogenization of the structure. Therefore, we proposed a topology optimization method for the minimization of local relative displacement differences considering stress constraints. First,… More >

  • Open Access


    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Displacement Cascade near Precipitate in Zirconium Alloys

    Xin Wang1,*, H. Fan1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 1-1, 2023, DOI:10.32604/icces.2023.09986

    Abstract Precipitates play an important role in the evolution of irradiation-induced defects and mechanical property of irradiated metals. In this work, the effects of a Zr2Cu precipitate on the production and subsequent evolution of cascade-induced point defects (vacancies and interstitials) in ZrCu alloy were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations at room temperature. The simulation results show that the precipitate increases the number of residual point defects at the end of cascade. However, most of the residual defects reside in the precipitate and near precipitate boundary. In the matrix, more interstitials survive than vacancies. In addition, a… More >

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