Jiawei Zhang*, Qing Wang, Hongchun Huang, Haige Wang, Guodong Ji, Meng Cui, Hongyuan Zhang
FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.9, pp. 2305-2314, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.026304
Abstract Formation pressure is the key parameter for the analysis of wellbore safety. With increasing drilling depth, however, the behavior of this variable becomes increasingly complex. In this work, a 3D model of the formation pressure under uncertainty is presented. Moreover a relevant algorithm is elaborated. First, the logging data of regional key drilling wells are collected and a one-dimensional formation pressure profile along the well depth is determined. Then, a 3D model of regional formation pressure of the hierarchical group layer is defined by using the Kriging interpolation algorithm relying on a support vector machine… More >