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  • Open Access


    Chemically Mediated Interactions between Grapevine, Aphid, Ladybird, and Ant in the Context of Insect Chemical Ecology

    Taghreed Alsufyani1,*, Noura J. Alotaibi2, Nour Houda M’sakni1, Mona A. Almalki1, Eman M. Alghamdi3

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.7, pp. 1523-1542, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.050351

    Abstract This study simplifies the complex relationship among grapevine plants, aphids, ladybirds, and ants, which is essential for effective pest management and ecological balance. This study investigated the impact of aphid attacks and the presence of ants and ladybirds on the volatile compounds profile released into the chemosphere of the community consisting of the common vine Vitis vinifera, the aphid Aphis illinoisensis, the ladybird Coccinella undecimpunctata-and the ant Tapinoma magnum. This study aims to analyze the volatile compounds emitted by the grapevine and surrounding insects in response to these intricate interactions. The extraction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was carried… More >

  • Open Access


    Chemical Constituents of Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis (Orobanchaceae), a Common Hemiparasitic Medicinal Herb from the Qinghai Lake Basin, China

    Feng Liu1,2,3, Zilan Ma1,2,3, Marcos A. Caraballo-Ortiz4, Hui Zhang5, Xu Su1,2,3, Yuping Liu1,2,3,*

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.89, No.4, pp. 1083-1090, 2020, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2020.011239

    Abstract Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis (Orobanchaceae) is an abundant parasitic herb mainly found in the Xiaopohu wetland of the Qinghai Lake Basin in Northwestern China. The species has an important local medicinal value, and in this study, we evaluated the chemical profile of its stems, leaves and seeds using mass spectrometry. Dried samples of stems, leaves and seeds were grinded, weighted, and used for a series of extractions with an ultrasonic device at room temperature. The chemical profiles for each tissue were determined using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and Liquid ChromatographyMass Spectrometry (LC-MS). Twenty-seven amino acids and organic… More >

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