Mohamad Afendee Mohamed1, Talal Bonny2, Aceng Sambas3, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan4, Wafaa Al Nassan2, Sen Zhang5, Khaled Obaideen2, Mustafa Mamat1, Mohd Kamal Mohd Nawawi6,*
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.3, pp. 5987-6006, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.035668
Abstract In recent years, there are numerous studies on chaotic systems with special equilibrium curves having various shapes such as circle, butterfly, heart and apple. This paper describes a new 3-D chaotic dynamical system with a capsule-shaped equilibrium curve. The proposed chaotic system has two quadratic, two cubic and two quartic nonlinear terms. It is noted that the proposed chaotic system has a hidden attractor since it has an infinite number of equilibrium points. It is also established that the proposed chaotic system exhibits multi-stability with two coexisting chaotic attractors for the same parameter values but… More >