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Search Results (11)
  • Open Access


    Network Structure and Variability of Recurrence Fear in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Symptom Network Analysis

    Lu Liu#, Zhuoheng Lv#, Yousheng Mao, Yan Liu*, Man Liu*

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 317-328, 2024, DOI:10.32604/po.2024.053678 - 04 December 2024

    Abstract Background: Lung cancer, one of the most prevalent and deadly malignancies worldwide, not only poses a significant physical burden but also a profound psychological challenge to patients. Among these psychological challenges, the fear of recurrence stands out as a particularly distressing issue. This fear, often rooted in the patients’ past experiences with the disease and its treatment, can significantly impact their quality of life, mental health, and even compliance with follow-up care. Moreover, this fear can be exacerbated by the lack of understanding and support from healthcare professionals and family members, further isolating patients and… More >

  • Open Access


    Multiscale and Auto-Tuned Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering and Its Application in Brain Tumor Clustering

    Zhenyu Qian1, Yizhang Jiang1, Zhou Hong1, Lijun Huang2, Fengda Li3, KhinWee Lai6, Kaijian Xia4,5,6,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.79, No.3, pp. 4741-4762, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.050920 - 20 June 2024

    Abstract In this paper, we introduce a novel Multi-scale and Auto-tuned Semi-supervised Deep Subspace Clustering (MAS-DSC) algorithm, aimed at addressing the challenges of deep subspace clustering in high-dimensional real-world data, particularly in the field of medical imaging. Traditional deep subspace clustering algorithms, which are mostly unsupervised, are limited in their ability to effectively utilize the inherent prior knowledge in medical images. Our MAS-DSC algorithm incorporates a semi-supervised learning framework that uses a small amount of labeled data to guide the clustering process, thereby enhancing the discriminative power of the feature representations. Additionally, the multi-scale feature extraction… More > Graphic Abstract

    Multiscale and Auto-Tuned Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Clustering and Its Application in Brain Tumor Clustering

  • Open Access


    DNEF: A New Ensemble Framework Based on Deep Network Structure

    Siyu Yang1, Ge Song1,*, Yuqiao Deng2, Changyu Liu1, Zhuoyu Ou1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.77, No.3, pp. 4055-4072, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.042277 - 26 December 2023

    Abstract Deep neural networks have achieved tremendous success in various fields, and the structure of these networks is a key factor in their success. In this paper, we focus on the research of ensemble learning based on deep network structure and propose a new deep network ensemble framework (DNEF). Unlike other ensemble learning models, DNEF is an ensemble learning architecture of network structures, with serial iteration between the hidden layers, while base classifiers are trained in parallel within these hidden layers. Specifically, DNEF uses randomly sampled data as input and implements serial iteration based on the… More >

  • Open Access


    Single Image Deraining Using Dual Branch Network Based on Attention Mechanism for IoT

    Di Wang, Bingcai Wei, Liye Zhang*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.137, No.2, pp. 1989-2000, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.028529 - 26 June 2023

    Abstract Extracting useful details from images is essential for the Internet of Things project. However, in real life, various external environments,such as badweather conditions,will cause the occlusion of key target information and image distortion, resulting in difficulties and obstacles to the extraction of key information, affecting the judgment of the real situation in the process of the Internet of Things, and causing system decision-making errors and accidents. In this paper, we mainly solve the problem of rain on the image occlusion, remove the rain grain in the image, and get a clear image without rain. Therefore,… More >

  • Open Access


    BN-GEPSO: Learning Bayesian Network Structure Using Generalized Particle Swarm Optimization

    Muhammad Saad Salman1, Ibrahim M. Almanjahie2,3, AmanUllah Yasin1, Ammara Nawaz Cheema1,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.2, pp. 4217-4229, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.034960 - 31 March 2023

    Abstract At present Bayesian Networks (BN) are being used widely for demonstrating uncertain knowledge in many disciplines, including biology, computer science, risk analysis, service quality analysis, and business. But they suffer from the problem that when the nodes and edges increase, the structure learning difficulty increases and algorithms become inefficient. To solve this problem, heuristic optimization algorithms are used, which tend to find a near-optimal answer rather than an exact one, with particle swarm optimization (PSO) being one of them. PSO is a swarm intelligence-based algorithm having basic inspiration from flocks of birds (how they search… More >

  • Open Access


    Using Recurrent Neural Network Structure and Multi-Head Attention with Convolution for Fraudulent Phone Text Recognition

    Junjie Zhou, Hongkui Xu*, Zifeng Zhang, Jiangkun Lu, Wentao Guo, Zhenye Li

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.46, No.2, pp. 2277-2297, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.036419 - 09 February 2023

    Abstract Fraud cases have been a risk in society and people’s property security has been greatly threatened. In recent studies, many promising algorithms have been developed for social media offensive text recognition as well as sentiment analysis. These algorithms are also suitable for fraudulent phone text recognition. Compared to these tasks, the semantics of fraudulent words are more complex and more difficult to distinguish. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), the variants of RNN, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and hybrid neural networks to extract text features are used by most text classification research. However, a single network or… More >

  • Open Access


    Sensor Network Structure Recognition Based on P-law

    Chuiju You1, Guanjun Lin1,*, Jinming Qiu1, Ning Cao1, Yundong Sun2, Russell Higgs3

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.46, No.2, pp. 1277-1292, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.026150 - 09 February 2023

    Abstract A sensor graph network is a sensor network model organized according to graph network structure. Structural unit and signal propagation of core nodes are the basic characteristics of sensor graph networks. In sensor networks, network structure recognition is the basis for accurate identification and effective prediction and control of node states. Aiming at the problems of difficult global structure identification and poor interpretability in complex sensor graph networks, based on the characteristics of sensor networks, a method is proposed to firstly unitize the graph network structure and then expand the unit based on the signal More >

  • Open Access


    3D Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion

    Peicheng Shi1,*, Heng Qi1, Zhiqiang Liu1, Aixi Yang2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.135, No.3, pp. 2007-2023, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.022304 - 23 November 2022

    Abstract 3D vehicle detection based on LiDAR-camera fusion is becoming an emerging research topic in autonomous driving. The algorithm based on the Camera-LiDAR object candidate fusion method (CLOCs) is currently considered to be a more effective decision-level fusion algorithm, but it does not fully utilize the extracted features of 3D and 2D. Therefore, we proposed a 3D vehicle detection algorithm based on multimodal decision-level fusion. First, project the anchor point of the 3D detection bounding box into the 2D image, calculate the distance between 2D and 3D anchor points, and use this distance as a new… More > Graphic Abstract

    3D Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion

  • Open Access


    Novel Path Counting-Based Method for Fractal Dimension Estimation of the Ultra-Dense Networks

    Farid Nahli11, Alexander Paramonov1, Naglaa F. Soliman2, Hussah Nasser AlEisa3,*, Reem Alkanhel2, Ammar Muthanna1, Abdelhamied A. Ateya4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.36, No.1, pp. 561-572, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.031299 - 29 September 2022

    Abstract Next-generation networks, including the Internet of Things (IoT), fifth-generation cellular systems (5G), and sixth-generation cellular systems (6G), suffer from the dramatic increase of the number of deployed devices. This puts high constraints and challenges on the design of such networks. Structural changing of the network is one of such challenges that affect the network performance, including the required quality of service (QoS). The fractal dimension (FD) is considered one of the main indicators used to represent the structure of the communication network. To this end, this work analyzes the FD of the network and its… More >

  • Open Access


    Software Defect Prediction Harnessing on Multi 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Structure

    Zuhaira Muhammad Zain1,*, Sapiah Sakri1, Nurul Halimatul Asmak Ismail2, Reza M. Parizi3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.71, No.1, pp. 1521-1546, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.022085 - 03 November 2021

    Abstract Developing successful software with no defects is one of the main goals of software projects. In order to provide a software project with the anticipated software quality, the prediction of software defects plays a vital role. Machine learning, and particularly deep learning, have been advocated for predicting software defects, however both suffer from inadequate accuracy, overfitting, and complicated structure. In this paper, we aim to address such issues in predicting software defects. We propose a novel structure of 1-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D-CNN), a deep learning architecture to extract useful knowledge, identifying and modelling the… More >

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