Abdulaziz Aldaej*, Tariq Ahamed Ahanger, Mohammed Yousuf Uddin, Imdad Ullah
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.1, pp. 1723-1745, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.027487
Abstract Viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes are emerging public health problems across the globe. Dengue is considered to be the most significant mosquito-oriented disease. Conspicuously, the present study provides an effective architecture for Dengue Virus Infection surveillance. The proposed system involves a 4-level architecture for the prediction and prevention of dengue infection outspread. The architectural levels including Dengue Information Acquisition level, Dengue Information Classification level, Dengue-Mining and Extraction level, and Dengue-Prediction and Decision Modeling level enable an individual to periodically monitor his/her probabilistic dengue fever measure. The prediction process is carried out so that proactive measures More >