Yuhui Zhou1,2,3,*, Shichang Ju4, Qijun Lyu4, Hongfei Chen4, Xuebiao Du4, Aiping Zheng4, Wenshun Chen4, Ning Li4
FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 245-259, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.019971
Abstract It is known that the pore media characteristics of glutenite reservoirs are different from those of conventional sandstone reservoirs. Low reservoir permeability and naturally developed microfractures make water injection in this kind of reservoir very difficult. In this study, new exploitation methods are explored. Using a real glutenite reservoir as a basis, a three-dimensional fine geological model is elaborated. Then, combining the model with reservoir performance information, and through a historical fitting analysis, the saturation abundance distribution of remaining oil in the reservoir is determined. It is shown that, using this information, predictions can be More >