Kyousuke Yamaguchi1, Nao-Aki Noda2, Ker-Kong Chen3, Kiyoshi Tajima3, Seiji Harada1, Xin Lan1
Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.5, No.3, pp. 191-200, 2009, DOI:10.3970/sdhm.2009.005.191
Abstract Wedge-shaped defects are frequently observed on the cervical region of the human tooth. Previously, most studies explained that improper tooth-brushing causes such defects. However, recent clinical observation suggested that the repeated stress due to occlusal force may induce the formation of these wedge-shaped defects. In this study, a two-dimensional human tooth model after a wedge-shaped defect is restored with the composite resin is analyzed by using the finite element method. To obtain the intensity of the singular stress accurately, a method of analysis is discussed for calculating generalized stress intensity factors, which control the singular More >