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Search Results (17)
  • Open Access


    Twitter Data Analysis Using Hadoop and ‘R’ and Emotional Analysis Using Optimized SVNN

    K. Sailaja Kumar*, H. K. Manoj, D. Evangelin Geetha

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.1, pp. 485-499, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.025390 - 01 June 2022

    Abstract Standalone systems cannot handle the giant traffic loads generated by Twitter due to memory constraints. A parallel computational environment provided by Apache Hadoop can distribute and process the data over different destination systems. In this paper, the Hadoop cluster with four nodes integrated with RHadoop, Flume, and Hive is created to analyze the tweets gathered from the Twitter stream. Twitter stream data is collected relevant to an event/topic like IPL- 2015, cricket, Royal Challengers Bangalore, Kohli, Modi, from May 24 to 30, 2016 using Flume. Hive is used as a data warehouse to store the… More >

  • Open Access


    A Novel Deep Learning Based Healthcare Model for COVID-19 Pandemic Stress Analysis

    Ankur Dumka1, Parag Verma2, Rajesh Singh3, Anil Kumar Bisht4, Divya Anand5,6,*, Hani Moaiteq Aljahdali7, Irene Delgado Noya6,8, Silvia Aparicio Obregon6,9

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.3, pp. 6029-6044, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.024698 - 21 April 2022

    Abstract Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted nearly every person across the globe either in terms of losses of life or as of lockdown. The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a rare/special situation where people can express their feelings on Internet-based social networks. Social media is emerging as the biggest platform in recent years where people spend most of their time expressing themselves and their emotions. This research is based on gathering data from Twitter and analyzing the behavior of the people during the COVID-19 lockdown. The research is based on the logic expressed by people in this… More >

  • Open Access


    Deep Sentiment Learning for Measuring Similarity Recommendations in Twitter Data

    S. Manikandan1,*, P. Dhanalakshmi2, K. C. Rajeswari3, A. Delphin Carolina Rani4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.1, pp. 183-192, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.023469 - 15 April 2022

    Abstract The similarity recommendation of twitter data is evaluated by using sentiment analysis method. In this paper, the deep learning processes such as classification, clustering and prediction are used to measure the data. Convolutional neural network is applied for analyzing multimedia contents which is received from various sources. Recurrent neural network is used for handling the natural language data. The content based recommendation system is proposed for selecting similarity index in twitter data using deep sentiment learning method. In this paper, sentiment analysis technique is used for finding similar images, contents, texts, etc. The content is… More >

  • Open Access


    Machine Learning-based USD/PKR Exchange Rate Forecasting Using Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

    Samreen Naeem1, Wali Khan Mashwani2,*, Aqib Ali1,3, M. Irfan Uddin4, Marwan Mahmoud5, Farrukh Jamal6, Christophe Chesneau7

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.67, No.3, pp. 3451-3461, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.015872 - 01 March 2021

    Abstract This study proposes an approach based on machine learning to forecast currency exchange rates by applying sentiment analysis to messages on Twitter (called tweets). A dataset of the exchange rates between the United States Dollar (USD) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR) was formed by collecting information from a forex website as well as a collection of tweets from the business community in Pakistan containing finance-related words. The dataset was collected in raw form, and was subjected to natural language processing by way of data preprocessing. Response variable labeling was then applied to the standardized dataset,… More >

  • Open Access


    Semantic Analysis Techniques using Twitter Datasets on Big Data: Comparative Analysis Study

    Belal Abdullah Hezam Murshed1,∗, Hasib Daowd Esmail Al-ariki2,†, Suresha Mallappa3,‡

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.35, No.6, pp. 495-512, 2020, DOI:10.32604/csse.2020.35.495

    Abstract This paper conducts a comprehensive review of various word and sentence semantic similarity techniques proposed in the literature. Corpus-based, Knowledge-based, and Feature-based are categorized under word semantic similarity techniques. String and set-based, Word Order-based Similarity, POSbased, Syntactic dependency-based are categorized as sentence semantic similarity techniques. Using these techniques, we propose a model for computing the overall accuracy of the twitter dataset. The proposed model has been tested on the following four measures: Atish’s measure, Li’s measure, Mihalcea’s measure with path similarity, and Mihalcea’s measure with Wu and Palmer’s (WuP) similarity. Finally, we evaluate the proposed More >

  • Open Access


    A Middleware for Polyglot Persistence and Data Portability of Big Data PaaS Cloud Applications

    Kiranbir Kaur1, *, Sandeep Sharma1, Karanjeet Singh Kahlon2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.65, No.2, pp. 1625-1647, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.011535 - 20 August 2020

    Abstract Vendor lock-in can occur at any layer of the cloud stack-Infrastructure, Platform, and Software-as-a-service. This paper covers the vendor lock-in issue at Platform as a Service (PaaS) level where applications can be created, deployed, and managed without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. These applications and their persisted data on one PaaS provider are not easy to port to another provider. To overcome this issue, we propose a middleware to abstract and make the database services as cloud-agnostic. The middleware supports several SQL and NoSQL data stores that can be hosted and ported among disparate PaaS… More >

  • Open Access


    Analysis of Twitter Data Using Evolutionary Clustering during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Ibrahim Arpaci1, Shadi Alshehabi2, Mostafa Al-Emran3, *, Mahmoud Khasawneh4, Ibrahim Mahariq4, Thabet Abdeljawad5, 6, 7, Aboul Ella Hassanien8, 9

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.65, No.1, pp. 193-204, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.011489 - 23 July 2020

    Abstract People started posting textual tweets on Twitter as soon as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged. Analyzing these tweets can assist institutions in better decision-making and prioritizing their tasks. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze 43 million tweets collected between March 22 and March 30, 2020 and describe the trend of public attention given to the topics related to the COVID-19 epidemic using evolutionary clustering analysis. The results indicated that unigram terms were trended more frequently than bigram and trigram terms. A large number of tweets about the COVID-19 were disseminated and received widespread public attention… More >

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