Open Access
Modelling of Contact Damage in Brittle Materials Based on Peridynamics
1 Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology, Nanjing, 210031, China
2 Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China
3 Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hohai University, Nanjing, 211100, China
4 Nanjing High Speed Gear Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nanjing, 211100, China
* Corresponding Author: Jingjing Zhao. Email:
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2021, 129(2), 519-539.
Received 27 April 2021; Accepted 11 August 2021; Issue published 08 October 2021
As a typical brittle material, glass is widely used in construction, transportation, shipbuilding, aviation, aerospace and other industries. The unsafe factors of glass mainly come from its rupture. Thus, establishing a set of prediction models for the cracks growth of glass under dynamic load is necessary. This paper presents a contact damage model for glass based on the ordinary state-based peridynamic theory by introducing a contact force function. The Hertz contact (nonembedded contact) problem is simulated, and the elastic contact force is determined by adjusting the penalty factor. The proposed model verifies the feasibility of penalty-based method to simulate the contact problem of glass. The failure process of glass specimen under impact is simulated, where two loading methods, the drop ball test and the split Hopkinson pressure bar are considered. Numerical results agree well with the experimental observations, thereby verifying the effectiveness of the proposed model.Keywords
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