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Vibration and Sound Radiation of Cylindrical Shell Covered with a Skin Made of Micro Floating Raft Arrays Excited by Turbulence

by Dan Zhao1,*, Qiong Wu1, Minyao Gan2, Ke Li1, Wenhong Ma1, Qun Wu1, Liqiang Dong1, Shaogang Liu1

1 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, 150001, China
2 Shanghai Marine Equipment Research Institute, Shanghai, 200031, China

* Corresponding Author: Dan Zhao. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Computer Modeling in Ocean Engineering Structure and Mechanical Equipment)

Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 2023, 134(3), 2041-2055.


To reduce the vibration and sound radiation of underwater cylindrical shells, a skin composed of micro floating raft arrays and a compliant wall is proposed in this paper. A vibroacoustic coupling model of a finite cylindrical shell covered with this skin for the case of turbulence excitation is established based on the shell theories of Donnell. The model is solved with the modal superposition method to investigate the effects of the structural parameters of micro floating raft elements on the performance of reducing vibration and sound radiation of the cylindrical shell of this skin. The results indicate that increasing the stiffness ratio, damping ratio, mass ratio, or decreasing the interval between micro floating raft elements can improve the vibration and sound radiation reduction performance of this skin over the frequency range 0~2000 Hz. Moreover, the mean quadratic velocity level and sound radiation power level of the finite cylindrical shell with this skin can be reduced by 12.00 dB and 9.65 dB respectively compared to the finite cylindrical shell with homogeneous viscoelastic coating in the frequency range from 0~2000 Hz, implying a favorable performance of this skin for reducing the vibration and sound radiation of cylindrical shells.


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APA Style
Zhao, D., Wu, Q., Gan, M., Li, K., Ma, W. et al. (2023). Vibration and sound radiation of cylindrical shell covered with a skin made of micro floating raft arrays excited by turbulence. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 134(3), 2041–2055.
Vancouver Style
Zhao D, Wu Q, Gan M, Li K, Ma W, Wu Q, et al. Vibration and sound radiation of cylindrical shell covered with a skin made of micro floating raft arrays excited by turbulence. Comput Model Eng Sci. 2023;134(3):2041–2055.
IEEE Style
D. Zhao et al., “Vibration and Sound Radiation of Cylindrical Shell Covered with a Skin Made of Micro Floating Raft Arrays Excited by Turbulence,” Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., vol. 134, no. 3, pp. 2041–2055, 2023.

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