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Immunohistochemistry of GluR1 subunits of AMPA receptors of rat cerebellar nerve cells


1. Institute of Biological Investigations, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zulia, PO Box 526. Maracaibo, Venezuela.
2. Department of Biological Sciences, 335 Biology Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52245 USA.
* Address correspondence to: Orlando J. Castejón. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas "Drs. Orlando Castejón and Haydée Viloria de Castejón". Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia. Apartado 526, Maracaibo, VENEZUELA. Fax: (+58-261) 7414370. E-mail:

BIOCELL 2009, 33(2), 71-80.


The localization of GluR1 subunits of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the glial cells and inhibitory neurons of cerebellar cortex and their association with the climbing and parallel fibers, and basket cell axons were studied. Samples of P14 and P21 rat cerebellar cortex were exposed to a specific antibody against GluR1 subunit(s) of AMPA receptors and were examined with confocal laser scanning microscopy. GluR1 strong immunoreactivity was confined to Purkinje cell and the molecular layer. Weak GluR1 immunoreactivity was observed surrounding some Golgi cells in the granule cell layer. Intense GluR1 immunoreactivity was localized around Purkinje, basket, and stellate cells. Purkinje cells expressed strong GluR1 immunoreactivity surrounding the cell body, primary dendritic trunk and secondary and tertiary spiny dendritic branches. Marked immunofluorescent staining was also detected in the Bergmann glial fibers at the level of middle and outer third molecular layer. Positive immunofluorescence staining was also observed surrounding basket and stellate cells, and in the capillary wall. These findings suggest the specific localization of GluR1 subunits of AMPA receptors in Bergmann glial cells, inhibitory cerebellar neurons, and the associated excitatory glutamatergic circuits formed by climbing and parallel fibers, and by the inhibitory basket cell axons


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APA Style
J. CASTEJÓN, O., E. DAILEY, M. (2009). Immunohistochemistry of glur1 subunits of AMPA receptors of rat cerebellar nerve cells. BIOCELL, 33(2), 71–80.
Vancouver Style
J. CASTEJÓN O, E. DAILEY M. Immunohistochemistry of glur1 subunits of AMPA receptors of rat cerebellar nerve cells. BIOCELL. 2009;33(2):71–80.
IEEE Style
O. J. CASTEJÓN and M. E. DAILEY, “Immunohistochemistry of GluR1 subunits of AMPA receptors of rat cerebellar nerve cells,” BIOCELL, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 71–80, 2009.


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