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An Improvement in Power Quality and By-Product of the Run-Off River Micro Hydro Power Plant

by Ignatius Riyadi Mardiyanto1, Jangkung Raharjo2,*, Sri Utami1, Wahyu Budi Mursanto1, Agoeng Hardjatmo Rahardjo1

1 Department of Energy Conversion, Bandung State of Polytechnic, Bandung, 40559, Indonesia
2 School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung, 40257, Indonesia

* Corresponding Author: Jangkung Raharjo. Email: email

Energy Engineering 2023, 120(6), 1295-1305.


Utilization of Micro Hydro Power Plant at the Gunung Halu case study type run-off the river is a household use only in the afternoon, around 5 pm until bedtime at about 10 pm. Therefore, more than 75% of the energy is lost. This case study lost power which can be used as a by-product, such as for drying coffee beans. In this case study, a design was carried out to obtain by-products and improve power quality in the electrical system. In addition, they complain about the poor quality of power controlled by frequency using Triac-Based Electronic Dummy Load Control. The heat from the dummy load in the case study is used as a by-product. MHP with a minimum power of 20 kW, and the usage time of customer service is about 6 h. The energy for the by-products is about 360 kWh/day, and the power quality improved by using Triac-Based Electronic Load Control and Hysteresis Current Control for the active filter. As a result, the power factor is close to one, the generator current harmonics is less than 2%, and the voltage harmonics is less than 5%.

Graphic Abstract

An Improvement in Power Quality and By-Product of the Run-Off River Micro Hydro Power Plant


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APA Style
Mardiyanto, I.R., Raharjo, J., Utami, S., Mursanto, W.B., Rahardjo, A.H. (2023). An improvement in power quality and by-product of the run-off river micro hydro power plant. Energy Engineering, 120(6), 1295–1305.
Vancouver Style
Mardiyanto IR, Raharjo J, Utami S, Mursanto WB, Rahardjo AH. An improvement in power quality and by-product of the run-off river micro hydro power plant. Energ Eng. 2023;120(6):1295–1305.
IEEE Style
I. R. Mardiyanto, J. Raharjo, S. Utami, W. B. Mursanto, and A. H. Rahardjo, “An Improvement in Power Quality and By-Product of the Run-Off River Micro Hydro Power Plant,” Energ. Eng., vol. 120, no. 6, pp. 1295–1305, 2023.

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