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A Numerical Study on Supersonic Combustion Optimization Based on the Streamwise Vortex-Couple Method

by Hao Tian, Yongkang Zheng*, Hanxin Zhang

China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang, 621000, China

* Corresponding Author: Yongkang Zheng. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(1), 207-222.


In this paper, some typical methods to promote mixing in supersonic combustion are reviewed, and the fluid-dynamic mechanism underpinning the development of the supersonic shear layer in the presence of a streamwise vortex is analyzed through computational fluid dynamics. It is proven that the streamwise vortex-couple method is an excellent approach to enhance mixing. A specific combustor design is proposed accordingly.


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APA Style
Tian, H., Zheng, Y., Zhang, H. (2023). A numerical study on supersonic combustion optimization based on the streamwise vortex-couple method. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(1), 207–222.
Vancouver Style
Tian H, Zheng Y, Zhang H. A numerical study on supersonic combustion optimization based on the streamwise vortex-couple method. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(1):207–222.
IEEE Style
H. Tian, Y. Zheng, and H. Zhang, “A Numerical Study on Supersonic Combustion Optimization Based on the Streamwise Vortex-Couple Method,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 207–222, 2023.

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