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Numerical Investigation of the Multiphase Flow Originating from the Muzzle of Submerged Parallel Guns

by Dongxiao Zhang1, Lin Lu1,*, Xiaobin Qi2,3, Xuepu Yan1, Cisong Gao1, Yanxiao Hu1

1 School of Mechatronics Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan, 030051, China
2 School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072, China
3 Northwest Institute of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Xianyang, 712099, China

* Corresponding Author: Lin Lu. Email: email

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(10), 2707-2728.


A two-dimensional model, employing a dynamic mesh technology, is used to simulate numerically the transient multiphase flow field produced by two submerged parallel guns. After a grid refinement study ensuring grid independence, five different conditions are considered to assess the evolution of cavitation occurring in proximity to the gun muzzle. The simulation results show that flow interference is enabled when the distance between the parallel barrels is relatively small; accordingly, the generation and evolution of the vapor cavity becomes more complex. By means of the Q criterion for vorticity detection, it is shown that cavitation causes the generation of vorticity and the evolution of the vapor cavity can result in an asymmetric distribution of vorticity for a certain distance of the barrels. In particular, the evolution of the vapor cavity can hinder the expansion of the gas and force it to flow outward, while an asymmetric distribution of vorticity can lead to a gas jet flowing outward and rotating simultaneously.


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APA Style
Zhang, D., Lu, L., Qi, X., Yan, X., Gao, C. et al. (2023). Numerical investigation of the multiphase flow originating from the muzzle of submerged parallel guns. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(10), 2707–2728.
Vancouver Style
Zhang D, Lu L, Qi X, Yan X, Gao C, Hu Y. Numerical investigation of the multiphase flow originating from the muzzle of submerged parallel guns. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(10):2707–2728.
IEEE Style
D. Zhang, L. Lu, X. Qi, X. Yan, C. Gao, and Y. Hu, “Numerical Investigation of the Multiphase Flow Originating from the Muzzle of Submerged Parallel Guns,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 2707–2728, 2023.

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