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Integrity and Failure Analysis of Cement Sheath Subjected to Coalbed Methane Fracturing

by Lingyun Zhao1,2, Heng Yang3,4,*, Yuanlong Wei1,2,*, Yuhuan Bu3,4, Shaorui Jing3,4, Peiming Zhou1,2

1 Key Laboratory of Unconventional Natural Gas Evaluation and Development in Complex Tectonic Areas, Ministry of Natural Resources, Guiyang, 550081, China
2 Guizhou Engineering Research Institute of Oil & Gas Exploration and Development, Guiyang, 550081, China
3 School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, China
4 Shandong Key Laboratory of Oilfield Chemistry, Key Laboratory of Unconventional Oil & Gas Development, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, China

* Corresponding Authors: Heng Yang. Email: email; Yuanlong Wei. Email: email

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(2), 329-344.


Perforation and fracturing are typically associated with the development of coalbed methane wells. As the cement sheath is prone to failure during this process, in this work, the effects of the casing pressure, elastic modulus of the cement, elastic modulus of the formation, and casing eccentricity on the resulting stresses are analyzed in the frame of a finite element method. Subsequently, sensitivity response curves of the cement sheath stress are plotted by normalizing all factors. The results show that the maximum circumferential stress and Mises stress of the cement sheath increase with the casing internal pressure, elastic modulus of the cement and casing eccentricity. As the elastic modulus of the formation increases, the maximum circumferential stress of the cement sheath decreases, and its maximum Mises stress increases slightly. The cement sheath undergoes tensile failure during coalbed methane fracturing. The stress sensitivity of the cement sheath to the influential parameters is in the following order: casing internal pressure > elastic modulus of cement sheath > casing eccentricity > elastic modulus of formation.

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Integrity and Failure Analysis of Cement Sheath Subjected to Coalbed Methane Fracturing


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APA Style
Zhao, L., Yang, H., Wei, Y., Bu, Y., Jing, S. et al. (2023). Integrity and failure analysis of cement sheath subjected to coalbed methane fracturing. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(2), 329–344.
Vancouver Style
Zhao L, Yang H, Wei Y, Bu Y, Jing S, Zhou P. Integrity and failure analysis of cement sheath subjected to coalbed methane fracturing. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(2):329–344.
IEEE Style
L. Zhao, H. Yang, Y. Wei, Y. Bu, S. Jing, and P. Zhou, “Integrity and Failure Analysis of Cement Sheath Subjected to Coalbed Methane Fracturing,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 329–344, 2023.

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