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Sand Production Prediction and Safe Differential Pressure Determination in a Deepwater Gas Field

by Hao Qiu1, Yi Wu1, Min Wen1, Xuesong Xing1, Zening Hou1, Nan Ma1, Zizhen Zhang2, Rui Zhang2,*

1 CNOOC Research Institute, Ltd., Beijing, 100028, China
2 China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, China

* Corresponding Author: Rui Zhang. Email: email

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(3), 579-592.


Sand production is a critical issue during the development of offshore oil and gas fields. Certain gas fields (e.g. the AB gas field) have high porosity and high permeability, and with water at the bottom of the reservoir, the risk of sand production greatly increases at high differential pressures. Based on reservoir properties, geological conditions, production requirements, and well logging data, in this study an ultrasonic time difference method, a B index method, and a S index method are used together with a model of rock mass failure (accounting for water influx and pressure depletion) to qualitatively predict sand production. The results show that considered sample gas field has an overall high risk of sand production. The critical differential pressure (CDP) without water influx is in the range of 1.40 to 2.35 MPa, the CDP after water influx is from 0.60 to 1.41MPa. The CDP under pressure depletion is in the range of 1.20 to 1.92 MPa. The differential pressure charts of sand production are plotted, and the safe differential pressure windows with or without water influx are obtained. The model calculation results and the experimental results are consistent with the field production data, which indicates that the implemented prediction method could be taken as a reference for sand production prediction in similar deep water gas fields.


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APA Style
Qiu, H., Wu, Y., Wen, M., Xing, X., Hou, Z. et al. (2023). Sand production prediction and safe differential pressure determination in a deepwater gas field. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(3), 579–592.
Vancouver Style
Qiu H, Wu Y, Wen M, Xing X, Hou Z, Ma N, et al. Sand production prediction and safe differential pressure determination in a deepwater gas field. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(3):579–592.
IEEE Style
H. Qiu et al., “Sand Production Prediction and Safe Differential Pressure Determination in a Deepwater Gas Field,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 579–592, 2023.

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