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Analysis of a Water-Cooled Unit under Different Loads

by Daoming Shen1,*, Jinhong Xia1, Chao Gui1, Songtao Xue2

1 Xinxiang University, Xinxiang, 453000, China
2 Department of Architecture, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai, 982-8577, Japan

* Corresponding Author: Daoming Shen. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Computational Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics in Intelligent Manufacturing and Material Processing)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(7), 1863-1873.


In order to ensure the safe operation of the compressors used in water chillers, in the present study some interlock protections have been added to the related design. These include a low pressure protection, a high pressure protection, an exhaust temperature protection and a differential pressure protection. Some tests have been conducted by tuning the saturation suction and exhaust temperatures of the compressor through adjustment of the cold source outlet temperature and the ambient temperature. The results show that the ambient temperature increases with decreasing device load and increasing fan speed under the same saturated suction temperature; the device refrigerating capacity steps up with augmenting load and dropping saturation exhaust temperature, while it is not greatly affected by the fan speed. Moreover, the Energy efficiency ratio (COP) decreases with the rise of the saturation exhaust temperature. This parameter is not affected much by the device load and fan speed at high saturation exhaust temperature, while it improves on increasing the device load and decreasing the fan speed at low saturation exhaust temperature.

Graphic Abstract

Analysis of a Water-Cooled Unit under Different Loads


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APA Style
Shen, D., Xia, J., Gui, C., Xue, S. (2023). Analysis of a water-cooled unit under different loads. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(7), 1863–1873.
Vancouver Style
Shen D, Xia J, Gui C, Xue S. Analysis of a water-cooled unit under different loads. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(7):1863–1873.
IEEE Style
D. Shen, J. Xia, C. Gui, and S. Xue, “Analysis of a Water-Cooled Unit under Different Loads,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 1863–1873, 2023.

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