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Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Fiber Heating Cables in Snow and Ice Melting Applications

by Zhiyong Yang1, Jiacheng Zhang1, Henglin Xiao1,2, Zhi Chen1,*, Tian Bao1, Yin Liu1

1 School of Civil Engineering and Environment, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan, 430068, China
2 Xiangyang Industrial Institute of Hubei University of Technology, Xiangyang, 441100, China

* Corresponding Author: Zhi Chen. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advances in Solid Waste Processing and Recycling Technologies for Civil Engineering Materials)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(9), 2267-2288.


The use of carbon-fiber heating cables (CFHC) to achieve effective melting of snow and ice deposited on roads is a method used worldwide. In this study, tensile and compressive tests have been conducted to analyze the mechanical properties of the CFHC and assess whether the maximum tensile and compressive strengths can meet the pavement design specifications. In order to study the aging produced by multiple cycles of heating and cooling, in particular, the CFHC was repeatedly heated in a cold chamber with an ambient temperature ranging between −20°C and +40°C. Moreover, to evaluate how the strength of the pavement is affected by its presence, the CFHC was embedded at different depths and concrete blocks with different curing ages were subjected to relevant compression and splitting tensile tests. Numerical simulations based on the ANSYS software have also been performed and compared with the outcomes of the static loading tests. The results show that the CFHC embedded in the concrete does not affect the compressive splitting tensile strengths of the pavement. Overall, the CFHC meets the conditions required for continued use for road ice melting applications.

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Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Fiber Heating Cables in Snow and Ice Melting Applications


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APA Style
Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Xiao, H., Chen, Z., Bao, T. et al. (2023). Assessment of the mechanical properties of carbon-fiber heating cables in snow and ice melting applications. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(9), 2267–2288.
Vancouver Style
Yang Z, Zhang J, Xiao H, Chen Z, Bao T, Liu Y. Assessment of the mechanical properties of carbon-fiber heating cables in snow and ice melting applications. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(9):2267–2288.
IEEE Style
Z. Yang, J. Zhang, H. Xiao, Z. Chen, T. Bao, and Y. Liu, “Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Fiber Heating Cables in Snow and Ice Melting Applications,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2267–2288, 2023.

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